Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik Sinnlos?
mit ist bewusst, das ich vor einigen Tagen eine Frage zum gleichen Thema gestellt hatte. Nur jetzt möchte ich speziefischer gerne wissen. Ob die Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik überhaupt sinn macht. Da viele in Foren meinen die Ausbildung wäre für die Tonne und genau so viel Wert wie überhaupt keine Ausbildung. Stimmt das wirklich? Da man die Arbeit auch ohne Ausbildung ausüben kann.
As far as I know, there are different levels or requirements for vocational training.
for example
are 2-year-old trainings such as
Specialized warehouses
Fachkraft für Metalltechnik
Machinery plant operators
Industrial electricity
sog. Auxiliary training, which is classified as an aid, also affects the task and the wage/ salary which is not significantly higher than that of a person who did not complete vocational training.
And then there are the 3.5-year-old vocational training courses like
Industrial mechanics
Retail trader/woman
KFZ mechatronics
Plant mechanics and
Specialist in warehouse logistics, which I know
at the level, “specialists,” there are , i.e., a kind of preliminary stage to the fully learned specialist who have predominantly completed a multiannual university degree, e.g.
Surgery etc.
Thank you.
A specialist is a specialist and not a precursor to anything. After training one has completed vocational training as well as all other vocational training.
As a specialist for warehouse logistics, you have a commercial training. The purpose is that you are able to guide a warehouse, receipt of goods or dispatch. So a leader. Nix with helpers. You’re independent of industry. That’s why it depends on the industry how much you’ll earn.
A specialist is trained and has nothing to do with the term specialist who specializes in a particular field.
Sensual is relatively seen. Education always makes sense.
But there are a number of trainings that – with permission – are rather unnecessary. I guess the one you named is part of it.
Shame then, it is ultimately waste of time.
only if you don’t really learn – and don’t learn to do it yourself.
the better and interested makes his seem and serves the high-bay stapler . to partially mechanically – large computer controlled.
Who claims that logistics is unnecessary in our time of globalization has understood nothing.
If you mean. You need to know.
Logically, I know. I’m also a logistics consultant. If someone knows, I will.