Ausbildung zum Kaufmann für Büromanagement?
Bin aktuell im Handwerk wäre es sinnvoll eine neue Ausbildung anzufangen eine komplett neue Richtung als die aktuelle? Bin derzeit im 2. Lehrjahr und bin praktisch so Scheiße das die Kollegen aus meiner Firma keinen Bock haben mit mir zu arbeiten. Der Chef ist zudem auch sehr unsympathisch. Der Job ist aber auch mittlerweile Scheiße, glaube die zwischenprüfung würde ich auch nicht bestehen. Daher wollte ich fragen ob es sinnvoll wäre eine neue Ausbildung anzufangen für Januar 2025? Ehrlich gesagt die verschwendete Zeit find ich net so schlimm bin noch sehr jung und es gibt Leute in meiner aktuellen Klasse die mit 25 angefangen haben!! Das einzige Problem isz das ich das meinen Eltern erklären muss! Besonders mein Vater ist immer sauer wenn ich anspreche das die Ausbildung nichts für mich ist. Er möchte unbedingt das ich die Ausbildung durchziehe damit ja ich eben Handwerker bin und viel Geld sparen kann. Aber ich hab einfach keinen Bock mehr drauf. Was haltet ihr davon?
Certainly, there are not many companies that hire afterward but can try. It’s hard to pick up all the stuff of the school.
I myself have changed from a commercial training to a craft training, but had not begun to be late, but the year has been brewed with nem minijob.
You should think about it. Office may listen great, but it can also be very toxic (own experience).
I believe 98% every company toxic Vorallem is my current one. All laughing at each other
You don’t want to talk it out. However, office work can also quickly become monotonous. As a plant mechanic, as you mentioned, you can not only earn well, but it is also varied. Perhaps a change of operation will also help if your colleagues are unfriendly.
I understand such arguments and would make the new training. Because even if you go through the jetties, you won’t be happy with it and you probably won’t be right in the job search because there is no motivation. The time I don’t think so bad now, and the 2 years of craftsmanship you can use somewhere, the knowledge. However, you should also ask if the merits as a merchant are really ok for you. If so, I would change.
Always ask yourself if you’re looking for a different direction.
Is the current activity fun?
Will I do it until I die?
Am I lucky with the promotion / merit options?
Do I like the hierarchy?
What life do I want to live?
What kind of lifestyle do I wish?
Can I achieve my goals through merit?
Why do you think it’s office management?
Since the beginning of training, Bock has been on the office and my colleague is currently doing his training there and thinks it is really relaxed
Nobody pays you for chilling. Employers want to see all performance.
The commercial area is totally overrun and almost everyone wants a training place in the office.
Just apply for a training place that interests you and then you will see if employers are interested in you.
You have better chances when you’re “in work” than when you’re unemployed.