training what should I do?
Hello, I have just started my apprenticeship and wanted to ask if anyone knows what to do if I have problems with my trainer (she doesn't care about me at all) and I've been thinking about changing departments, but does anyone know if it's possible to switch from Berlin to Brandenburg?
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and we should now know what company it is and whether this company operates branches in several federal states?
In some areas it may be. In other areas, this is not necessarily the case, especially when it comes to franchising chains that are only centrally advertising, but the branches are independent operators.
If your company has several branches in different federal states and personnel matters are carried out centrally for all branches, DANN can work quite well.
However, if your company has a division and the branches belong to individual companies, you will have to cancel your current job in order to be able to conclude a new training contract (also for continuing the current training) with another training establishment.