Ausbildung Vorstellungsgespräch Unterschied?

Ist das Vorstellungsgespräch (Ausbildung) vom Inhalt her genauso oder ähnlich wie bei einem normalen Beruf? Also die Fragen. Bestimmt kommen bei der Ausbildung, wer hätte es gedacht,fragen zu der Ausbildung,also wo denn die Berufsschule ist,wie es aufgebaut ist und so. Aber sind die Fragen,die mir der Chef oder wer auch immer mich dort “Interviewed” so wie bei einem Beruflichen Gespräch. Sprich : wo sind ihre Stärken/Schwächen,warum sind sie der passende Kandidat,warum sind sie der passende für diese Stelle.

Gibt es noch mehr Fragen die einem gestellt werden? Es geht ja zwischen 30-60 minuten,da werde ich bestimmt mit Fragen Bombardiert

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1 year ago

The training conversation is quite different since you have no professional experience yet and possibly have a completely wrong idea. That’s what you want to find out. In 1986 I was asked more about my parents what they do to draw conclusions. Many are also breaking their training.

After a job you know what you want to do it much faster

1 year ago

It’s not said that we’re talking. You may also be given tasks and assessed according to your actions and/or the answers.

In craftsmanship, you will want to know less how well you can interpret a poem, but rather whether you are a practically prevalent person or more of the artistic type.

There is no standard procedure. Each operation operates the adjustment to Gusto ud in so far You’re not going crazy and you’re burning up the last ten years of school.

But it can never hurt if you can make a little smart about the company and explain what’s in the job advertisement.

1 year ago

Is the interview (training) just as or similar to a normal job?


Ultimately, it is primarily about determining your motivation for the job. As a rule, you will not be required to know your skills because you start training.

However, if you have already completed another training and want to profile yourself in front of the new employer, there may also be questions, depending on how much reference this other training has to the one you are now seeking.

In the case of training, who would have thought it would be a question of training, so where the vocational school is, as it is, and so.

More of the training content. If you know exactly what awaits you in training and in the profession, they will probably not care if you know where the vocational school is.

Say: where are their strengths/weaknesses,why are they the right candidate,why are they the right one for this place.

That’s what you’ll expect. As a rule, several people apply for a (training) job and even if not, of course, it is also crucial whether you fit the company into the team or in the profession.

These are so typical Evergreen questions that you can prepare well… but you should.

Are there any more questions you ask? It goes between 30-60 minutes, so I will be bombarded with questions

I’m honest: I don’t think so.

At best, it’s just a very relaxed conversation. They want to get to know you, you want to get to know her, so you’re a little sniffed. You will be asked questions to see if you would be fit for the job and if you would say in the first impression ‘Yes, I can imagine working with it’ and of course you may also ask questions.

As I said at the time in the interview, “They are not only there today so that WIR can get a picture of you, but you can also get a picture of us. It may be that you go out here and think ‘no again, I never start with them’.

In my penultimate interview (even if that’s a bit) it was a 30-minute conversation that we then continued in a relaxed way, because it was simply ‘good’ and that took 45 minutes at the end. But even there I was not bombed with questions, it was just a conversation.

1 year ago

The selection procedure for training naturally refers to the school requirements of the candidate(s).

An interview for a particular job relates to the previous professional experience. As the head of staff is only interested in the school certificate