Ausbildung über 30, welche Berufe sind möglich oder was anderes machen?

Gibt es viele die über 30 noch ne Ausbildung machen? Bei mir ist das Problem, dass ich auch keine Berufserfahrungen habe außer jetzt mal vor langer Zeit par Monate im Lager gearbeitet zu haben. Kann man noch mit über 30 eine Ausbildung machen? Wie wäre z.B. die Pflegebranche? Noch andere Vorschläge vielleicht? Mir fehlt die Motivation. Oder sollte ich lieber andere Wege suchen um Geld zu verdienen? Online? Internet? Gibt es andere Wege?

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4 months ago

I saw a report on this subject this morning on breakfast television. In this they said that just before the pension it is too late to start something new.

That means, as long as you’re not 50, you can start again at any time. Everything after that is critical.

4 months ago

10 years ago, I made my education a health and nursing agent. At that time I had a 48-year-old. After training, she was 51. The kids were out of the house so they wanted to find something new.

I can tell you she’s still working and I think she’s one of the most popular nurses in the hospital.

Will think it’s never too late to learn something new before the pension.

I would like to add, should you consider the care, please do an internship beforehand, for many it is nothing, you should know beforehand.

4 months ago

Since around half of the training places are currently unoccupied every year, it is no longer impossible to get a training place with a crumble resume. Of course, you should focus on the professions where changing azubis are being sought, not those where unbroken many apply and the businesses still have a lot of choice.

You should also adjust to the fact that it won’t be so easy to apply. That you will definitely be asked about it, so that you can somehow well and especially self-reflect and self-critically justify what you have done in the many years since your graduation and why work was not a topic. And that you may have to take the one or the other little way around side jobs and internships to prove that you are really motivated and able to go through training.

But it is definitely recommended to do this right now! You have at least 37 years of work before you until you have retired. You shouldn’t spend these with changing jobs in the precarious area for unlearned assistants, always on the edge of the civil money and with correspondingly dark prospects. A completed training is and simply remains the key to decent jobs with good salary, further development possibilities and also job satisfaction!

4 months ago
Reply to  Reflection43

Only if you really have a secure diagnosis and at this time have also tried to get these problems under control. And if this attempt was successful.

4 months ago

If you are sick/disabled, please contact the Employment Agency. The rehab team. But you need motivation.

4 months ago

If you don’t shy, I think nursing staff is always needed.