Training despite bad grades?

Hello, I only have a secondary school leaving certificate (ESA) and my leaving certificate is also very bad as well as all my certificates, so really very bad with sometimes 300 absences

But I would like to do an apprenticeship. The only problem is that I have been rejected 50 times now.

I just wanted to ask if anyone has any tips on how I can maximize my chances

I have also considered changing my strategy and not asking directly for an apprenticeship but for an internship – Here is my question: How do I ask for an internship but make it clear to the company that I am looking for training

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4 months ago

I would like to make an education

You should have thought that before.

Problem is only that I have been rejected 50 times now

Honestly, do you wonder? With the many short hours it should be difficult to find a training place.

Here is my question as to how I ask for an internship but make clear to the company that I am training

You should think more about how you can convince the AG that you are serious and not going to dance again. I wouldn’t think about training right now! An internship would be a start, so you can prove that you are not as lazy as your testimony suggests. And if you’ve done some internships, it’ll be easier to find a training place.

4 months ago

What kind of training do you want to do?

Missing hours are the big problem. Can’t be justified and just don’t testify to wanting and motivation.

That with the internship is a good idea. You can show what you can that you want, and also in any case say that you are about a training place.

4 months ago
Reply to  Poco889

And I think you’re a bit naive and should adapt your requirements to your performance.

4 months ago

With the testimony you also have a huge problem finding a place at all. I’d let you know how you’re going. Because even as an intern to apply the certificate, most companies also have no interest

4 months ago

The FEHLSTUNDEN should be your biggest cell phone cap. No employer is willing to pay bumblebees.

You’ve probably been given this during your school.

But suggesting an internship is not a bad idea. Then you have to learn to appear on time.