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4 months ago

What were your specific tasks?

Vocational school: basically like the “normal” school, it is only technically specific. So textbook rolling, boring tasks, etc. In the second year there was a project task that we should implement and had a few months to do so.

Company: What’s up to projects is different for each company.

What motivated you?

I’ve made my hobby a profession.
Those who do not do this will probably not be happy in the long term.

In the vocational school there were also subjects that were more annoying, then one has to bite through.

What did you like?

The activity itself, but only if I could work meaningfully, i.e. only the project in the second year and at work in the company. However, it is also necessary to say that I was the only Azubi with pronounced foresights, the others had worse cards. It’s a shame that this is a subject at all, but well.
The vocational school was rather lame and hardly worth the speech, one learned as well as nothing, we could (and many) zoomed something all day and at the end cut off well.

Why exactly application development?
