Ausbildung Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung / Systemintegration Vorstellungsgespräch fragen?
Hey, ich habe morgen mein Vorstellungsgespräch und bin extrem, extrem nervös. Was könnten da so für Fachwissenfragen drankommen? Ein Freund meinte, er musste Code erklären aber kann sich nichtmehr genau daran erinnern. Hätte jemand ein konkretes Beispiel?
Hi toldeDEV
I wouldn’t worry so much about it. You’re looking for a training place – i.e. you don’t have training yet. If you say in your, you’ve already programmed, there could be a question but otherwise – no problem. That would be completely unfair.
Sometimes we have such a kind of mini-request (multiple choice or gap texts) for general things like the countries in DE or the Chancellor – but that’s all not a K.O. criterion.
Well, a buddy who makes a dual study at the same company said he was asked as in a class work and had to explain code
But then I would rather assume a different background – why should an AzuBi already be able to program.
If, of course, I apply and claim that I am the Perl professional, I would check out at this point and take a Pearl Code as an example. As has already been said, it is unreasonable because one does not know the nearer circumstances.
You don’t need any expertise. More interesting would be why you want to do this training.
So, as I said, a buddy who makes a dual study at the same company had to explain code