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1 month ago

I didn’t do a lesson, but I went to school with Matura. The money I earned during the summer holidays and Saturday jobs, I was able to spend entirely for school money or school trips and did not have to pay any cost.

But after my school graduation I remained “at home”. We just had a multi-generation budget. At first I had only my “children’s room”, then once I earned money I paid 200€. Later I moved to the top together with my grandma into my own accommodation unit and after I’ve earned better, I’ve got approx. 500€ paid (depending on consumption, this has slightly swung).

At 29 I took the house from my parents and now my mother pays me 225€ a month.

1 month ago

I (w/27), at the time, moved to a condominium with my parents 17 shortly before my dual study was received.

During the course of my studies, I had received accompaniment fees i.H.v. around 1,200 euros and if I had lived with my parents, I would not have to pay anything. On the contrary, they would probably have given me more money than they already did.

An acquaintance of me is currently still in the 2nd year of study (from April in the 3rd) of his dual study, where he is currently receiving acquaintance of approximately 1.616 euros. He lives with his parents and pays them 300 euros a month.

1 month ago

Was already finished 2 years with my training fund have lived at home, but my parents never wanted money.

1 month ago

I lived during the training “home” and should pay €100. what I did. two months after the final exam I moved out and then it was opened to me that the 100 € were for my assembling and mietkaution. I found great.