Ausbildung abrrechen?

Ich bin jetzt Anfang 3ten Lehrjahr.
Und ich habe eine große Lücke und man kann sagen ich bin so weit wie am Anfang. Der Beruf erfüllt mich nicht, und meine Zukunft sehe ich auch nicht darin.

Ich hatte auch ein Gespräch mit meinem Chef und er meinte es macht keinen Sinn für mich und man kann sagen laut den Worten er sieht mich auch nicht in dem Beruf.

Man macht die Ausbildung natürlich für sich selber , aber ich habe schon den Betrieb gewechselt und mir wurde das davor auch schon gesagt.

Es ist einfach so eine Sache das ich wirklich keine Hand für den Beruf habe. Ich habe laut meinen Noten 4 , 5en. Das muss schon einiges heißen, praktisch und schriftlich eine Katastrophe.

Ich habe die Ausbildung solange durchgezogen weil ich nichts anderes im Kopf hatte und warum ich die Ausbildung überhaupt begonnen habe? , weil ich einen Zeitvertreib haben wollte um überhaupt im Leben voranzukommen , Geld zu verdienen, nur das durchzuziehen, aber mittlerweile denke ich nicht das ich es bereue wenn ich es abreche.

Meine Frage ist:

Hat jemand auch den Schritt gewagt oder kennt jemanden die es getan hat und was hat sich dabei ergeben wie seid ihr voran gegangen?

Was würdet IHR an meiner Stelle tun? Wenn ihr an so einer Stelle wärt.

Wenn ihr sagt zieh es zu Ende durch „warum willst du jetzt abrechen? bringt es mir was wenn ich meine Prüfung nicht bestehe und es dann nicht abgeschlossen ist? Ist die Zeit es wert meine Seele damit kaputt zu machen das ich so schlecht bin in dem Beruf?

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2 years ago

Hard thing.

I’ve finished my training, too, where I wanted to break down at the beginning of the second year… My whole family also talked me in the way I pulled it through. It was hell. I was practical, i.e. in operation, totally bad, from school and overtime training. Now in the end I am super happy because I have a completed training and can now call me Geselle, yet the very time was horror.

If you feel mentally burdened, you go every day with a stomachache, and you come back to woederbzurpck, or you feel totally bad, then I would break off.

But if you only think that you’re bad and not good, I’d try this one year. You have enough time to learn and prepare yourself for the exam. Otherwise, I would have considered it enough so that you might have a new training or whatever you can start and not so close to the conclusion where almost everything is gone.

2 years ago
Reply to  j18052020

Yeah, then I’d break off…

In my training I developed depression, had thoughts in the morning already self-morning, before all the way to work it was extreme and so, and so no one should go through…

You better talk to someone about it, even if I didn’t make it myself, but then it doesn’t really matter.

Maybe it would be better to look for something else before you tell your parents…

2 years ago

Well now is so😅 now I can try to help others through my experience 😅

2 years ago

Why do you start running against ten others, knowing that there are two people who are running faster and faster? You can’t win.

Because you can do more than anyone else who doesn’t start. You don’t have to get the first place anywhere. It is often good and completely sufficient if you start something and then go through – thousands of others do not.

You already have two thirds behind you and would just throw this 66 percent away? Only a third has to be done and you reach the goal.

Whether you continue in this profession is a completely different question. You don’t have to. But you can prove that despite problems, you did not give up; maybe not a super degree, but still reached.

2 years ago

I’ll see that it’s not gonna take you any more if you’re going through.

The question is, what do you want to do? Another training or going to work somewhere like that?

If you know, maybe you can start another training now. But in any case, I would recommend you to look for something new and then quit.

2 years ago
Reply to  j18052020

That sounds like a good plan. With some luck you will find a place where you can still do this year, just a little late can do another training.

Good luck.

2 years ago

A friend of mine had a similar problem when, after the 10th class, he did an apprenticeship as a precision mechanic.

The training went bad and he didn’t like the work at all.

He did not pass the final examination and then the training was terminated.

He then started a new training, the KFZ mechatronic, and today he works as a service manager at a renowned car brand.

My advice would be, if you really shouldn’t make it, then I’d break the training and find something that fills me.

2 years ago

Why didn’t you notice it wasn’t the right job for you? Now you put two more years “in the sand”

2 years ago

So I don’t know. You’re in the third year of teaching. You don’t break it anymore. And you don’t have to write 5. If you sit down and learn, you can write at least four.