Ausbildung + 150€ job?
Ich beginne im September meine Ausbildung, zusätzlich werde ich in einem Restaurant Kellnern (ca 2-3 mal im Monat) da ich das nur mache um mir ein kleines extra Taschengeld zu verdienen werde ich nicht über 150€ arbeiten. Wie melde ich das an und was bleibt mir am Ende noch übrig?
Bei der Ausbildung verdiene ich ca 750€ NETTO
Vielen dank im Voraus:)
This is what the employer is doing at the mini-job, as a rule, your training should have nothing against it if your training does not suffer from it.
You can currently earn up to 450 euros per month and from October up to 520 euros gross equal to net, without which something would be expected or withdrawn.
If you have to get rid of the payment to the pension insurance at the employer of the mini-job, you may have to pay net without deductions.
Unless there are other services such as ALG – 2 or Hartz – lV from the job centre, the bill would be somewhat different.
I would come to over 800/900€ with training + mini-job, but there is nothing to be deducted from the 150€ (brutto) of the side job? Or did I get that wrong now?
I don’t pay ALG-2 or the like, my training salary I save and the 150€ are meant to spend ☺️
No, you got it right.
You would not have to pay ALG – 2 but might get a monthly increase if you could not cover your basic needs with your accountable income.
But then I don’t have to deal with this if it doesn’t affect you or your parents and you.
As a minijob
That’s what your AG says, not you. Either on a flat-rate basis or via electronic pay tax deduction features
Would you like to make yourself “similar” as a waiter?