Aus welchem Grund dem 9to5 (Angestelltenverhältnis, Hamsterrad) entkommen?
Aus welchem Grund wollt ihr das?
Meine Beweggründe waren insbesondere Freiheit aber auch die unendliche skalierbarkeit des Verdienstes. Als Angestellter ist man bei beidem sehr stark eingeschränkt bzw “gedeckelt”
Because it sucks me out and I hate my job.
With every year I get 1 day more exit
So starting with 20 holiday days I can get up to 30 days after 10 years of operation.
If I get a lot more I can get up to 50% more on my fixed wage which is slightly higher than the minimum wage.
If I don’t get sick within 3 months I can get up to 200 euros gross extra.
….I have to continue working. Maybe I can get 20% bonus. The full 50% has never made anyone but maybe I’m the first…. No time…. Must work meeehr…AAAAAHHHHHh
Classic. 500% more performance and 50% more wage.
A joke
Good luck getting out of there!
Thank you. Yeah, you’ve recognized it right. Many jobs are simply modern slavery. Of course, many jobs also have a meaning. But stone-rich bosses and hired those who live from wages to wages and cannot afford to speak for themselves.
I see that.
Employees are no longer valued. Bad climate and pressure prevail without end.
I’m so sorry. And then one wonders (all employers) why one no longer wants to go back ^
But then Jap wonder why they don’t find people and leave the employees.
I’m just going to go to minijob.
was never hired, even never worked, but 12 years pupils and can’t do that well…
freedom is the most important in life, the rest comes later
The wrong basic assumption is just that employees wouldn’t be free.
They are. They have the freedom to reject or reject any contract offered to them. Free choice of profession, free choice of residence etc… They are not more unfree than an independent person. They only enter into other obligations, but they also get other rights.
well, who, on the day that is known to have 24 hours, has only 14 for himself and 8 of them sleeps, he is not free for me.
everyone looks different.
I don’t care. Just one thing I’m interested. Which industry did you make yourself self-employed?
but do I, my understanding is not worth less than yours:d rather more because my iq is 120 & I read
I’m glad you don’t define freedom.
jo everything is correct, no one forces you to be hired or laborer, so I’ve left it too.
but whoever is, he’s not free for me.
Everyone can choose how much time he has for himself. No one is forced to take a full-time job. Some work half-days, others become self-employed. And also self-employed persons work and do not have 24 hours free. There are only different ways of earning money.
Especially since a good job is more than just working.
Why didn’t you do yourself in your job that you learned for a longer time? All the ways were open to you.
I don’t want to.
To answer 24/7 your one-sided and meaningless questions…
If that’s so useless, don’t you?
Then keep cascading your merit
I am, but you are not answering the question