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Any cheese, whether fresh cheese, resin cheese, gouda or parmesan, is basically made in the same way.
Milk is brought to coagulation, after which the whey can run. With fresh cheese, the process is already over.
For cheese, the fracture (the germ milk) is pressed to remove even more whey. Then the cheeses come into a brine and then to ripen.
Different types of cheese are produced by various changes in the process: heating, for example, or addition of crops (Rotschmierekäse, Camembert)
In addition, ripening plays a major role. Some cheeses mature for years.
Ty that’s good
Fresh cheese.
So actually from milk.
Like any cheese, fresh cheese is made from milk.
To inaccurate
What about it? That is what fresh cheese is made of. That would be your question. What details are missing?
Please also explain why you wrote this comment on the answers of other users who give exactly the same answer.
Fresh milk. It is quite difficult to milk the small and fluctuating freshness.
From milk, like any cheese.
I want a detailed answer
Then Google
She can give you google if you weren’t too lazy. Make fresh cheese and zack, more answers than you ever wanted. With ingredients.
Want* and something nicer it is
Say stop
From fresh cheese 😂😂😂😃
From milk 😱