Aus Versehen auf Behinderten Parkplatz?
ich habe heute aus Versehen auf einem Behindertenparkplatz geparkt für etwa 3-4 Minuten und wurde dann von einem Opa angemeckert beim wegfahren.
könnte er eventuell deshalb eine Anzeige machen?
Was hätte ich dann zu befürchten?
nothing, because 3-4 minutes always go through as “hold to load and unload or get in and out”
No. From 3 minutes, you can talk about parking. Whatever you do.
Purely academic: incorrect!
STPO 312 para. 2 Whoever leaves his vehicle or lasts for more than three minutes is parked.
This even includes a furniture transporter that is continuously loaded or unloaded with furniture for hours (=without a break). As long as a vehicle driver, if necessary changing, is present at any time with a sufficient driving permit on the vehicle, this is not parking, but holding.
In theory, he could try, in practical terms, he probably won’t.
Yeah, he could. Only he won’t do the trouble. Just be more attentive next time.