Accidentally took 3 birth control pills?

Hello, I took my pill this evening as usual (9 p.m.). I still take two pills before bed, but somehow my mind was elsewhere, and I took two more pills instead. So, I've taken three birth control pills today, and I'm wondering if that's a problem? I'm not worried about the pill break—I have a spare pack. I'm just concerned about taking three pills by mistake! I found online that not much happens with two pills, so it's probably the same with three, right?

Thanks in advance to all knowledgeable

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1 year ago


If you don’t have timely complaints, the rapist will certainly remain unsuccessful.

Well eat in there and no one gets out again, what should you do?



1 year ago

Well, considering that women had almost sone dose as a single pill in the past, probably won’t be so crassed, otherwise go to the doctor if something is funny.

1 year ago

In the worst case side effects, but otherwise you don’t have much to fear.