Aus Deutschland auswandern nach Wien (Vor- und Nachteile)?

Hi, ich überlege wegen der Wirtschaftskrise aus Deutschland auszuwandern, allerdings nicht so weit weg. Wien wäre eine Alternative, da die Menschen dort auch Deutsch sprechen können. Was gibt es bis auf die Steuervorteile noch für Vorteile und wie sehen die Nachteile dort aus?

Was mir auch ein riesen Dorn im Auge ist, sind die Wohnungsmängel in allen Großstädten in Deutschland. Sieht es in Österreich den besser aus?


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1 year ago

I have been living in Austria for 7 years and I would not go this step again.

I have already mentioned some reasons in other contributions.

I don’t know what you mean for tax advantages. Although wage taxes may be somewhat lower, salaries are also lower, at the same time significantly higher cost of living than in DE. The apartment is also very bad in AT and the rents are shooting more and more in height. In addition, about 50-70% of all apartments are rented in AT in a fixed period (usually 3-5 years), without legal entitlement to extension. Finding a affordable apartment in Vienna on the free housing market is almost hopeless. For a communal apartment, i.e. an apartment of the world’s largest landlord city of Vienna, one must have been registered at least 2 years in Vienna with its headquarters in order to get to know the city for a communal apartment. You will then receive a certificate and then you will wait and this can take years again. In the apartment advertisements where people are looking for a rental agent, the advertisements “to rent from the date of notice…”. And then there are often apartments in areas where you don’t really want to live.

It is important to note that in AT, in addition to the general EU law, the national right of establishment and residence applies. This means that AT has additional hurdles to live here permanently!

I see significant disadvantages, in addition to the widespread negative attitude towards Germans, in the points of labour law, rental law and health system.

1 year ago
Reply to  Photographer86

I can offer you to answer questions by private message if the subject is still relevant. I’ll probably go back to Germany.

1 year ago

Especially thanks for another Piefke…

1 year ago
Reply to  Photographer86

Bet lost 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  SevenOfNein

Piefke is still harmless. I’m listening to “Shike Deitsche.”

1 year ago

Around Austria it is similar to around Germany. It comes to the fact that Germans don’t enjoy a good reputation.

1 year ago

In Austria it is even worse:

We can’t get inflation down here. No matter what policy measures are set, climate bonus, inflation compensation, prices do not go back to normal level.

So either you’re trying to buy only own brands “Billa products” or “Clever products” or you’re going to kill yourself to just shop in discounters like Lidl or Hofer to have halfway normal prices.

The apartment situation may be a bit more relaxed, but only if it may be any apartment, and the wallet is big enough, or you have no claims:

Tiny WG room with 10m2 you get halfway normal rental prices.

Otherwise, you must renounce Öffis and shops nearby and also be ready to live on the outer edge (rand districts).

So rather elsewhere/outside than in Vienna, rental prices and housing are significantly better. I think if I don’t stop moving to Purgstall at some point, I’d have to put another moped, but that would be half as bad, the place and parking would be much more.

Not like in Vienna, where you have the most confusing streets, and you need a navigation all the time. Hardly parking is found, and you have to be constantly afraid of the politic dinners, because you have to think carefully and check out if you can park there. Was also a reason why I sold my moped when I moved to Vienna.

1 year ago

Does it look better in Austria?


I think about the economic crisis from Germany

Welcome to Austria with the highest inflation in the EU.

What is there for advantages except for tax advantages

What are you talking about?

1 year ago
Reply to  Photographer86

Vienna has 2 million Inhabitants and there will be more and more who want to live wherever. The crisis is less built, the rents continue to rise and a social housing of the municipality of Vienna is not yours.

1 year ago

I don’t know about tax advantages.

Apartments in Vienna … Have fun searching. Especially good luck. If you’ve been looking in Munich, you know what you’re expecting. Edit: If you’ve been looking for a foreigner in Munich…

Unemployment rate D: 6.4%
A: 8.1 %

Inflation higher than D

I think about the economic crisis from Germany

You might want to again superior.

1 year ago
Reply to  tinalisatina

It’s not just in Vienna. The only country where there are still semi-payable apartments is Styria (except Graz). Only these are usually places where there are no jobs, often without any infrastructure, no railway station….usw. You can forget that. And look at the rents in Vorarlberg, Tyrol and Salzburg… often more expensive than Munich and Vienna. On the bottom, AT has the same problems as DE, only with the highest inflation in the EU.