Aus dem Fenster raus rauchen, riecht man es?
Wenn ich gleich rauche,
aus dem Fenster weit raus und die Asche und den Rauch alles nach draußen lenke,
und danach 30-60min. lüfte,
ein Räucherstäbchen danach anmache
und bisschen Parfum sprühe,
riecht man es danach noch?
You smell it as a joint.
With Vaporizer and good ventilation, the smell could fade if you then ventilate well and brush your teeth
As an ex-smoking, or I can say “yes” clearly.
I always smell something like that. Whether it’s a cigarette or something else. I’m going to an apartment that was smoked 1 week ago, smell it.
No “smoking on the window” or light sticks. This depends on the clothes, sofa, pillows, curtains etc.
A non-smoker smells that. You have to go for a walk.
It smells like you’re smoking in a perfumery.
Yes, non-smoking in any case
😭😭😭 I can’t wait till tomorrow
Then go outside the door
A non-smoker still smells that.
Sure, or do you think who doesn’t smoke smell bad??
I thought that would go away, would be here for the first time in the apartment
You smelled cigarette smoke for a long time. (Other on the balcony) And smelled it a week later.
And: I don’t make anything forbidden.. am old enough to..
I’m 63. You can go to my profile and read my answers.
You’re never that old :0
Believe me, I don’t need to tell a bullshit with ü60.
That was just one.
But if it’s just one, it won’t be so long, right?
The greatest fun killer in ‘Ciffing’ is the fear of discovery.
Anyone who is afraid of discovery is usually not old enough for cannabis (18) or can not assert themselves against the opinion of parents regarding his consumption.
If you’re as dangerous as you’ve described, you won’t smell anything. Your fear will still stop.
Even then it smells non-smoker.
could cry, would have done it almost.
Yes Non-smokers smell it right away. It’s also in your clothes. If it’s one with perfume and ravine sticks and one hour later, you might be lucky to notice nothing.