Hallo an alle,
Ich habe seit ca. einem Monat einige Sachen die mich sehr aufregen mit meinen Augen wie z.B. leichte Empfindlichkeit gegen Licht, oft jucken oder Trockenheit aber größtenteils Sachen wie Partikel vor den Augen, flackern vom Licht im unscharfen Sehbereich oder manchmal einfach unschärfe die kommt und geht wenn ich blinzle oft 5-10 Minuten oder länger. Woran könnte das liegen?
Danke im Vorraus :))
I have just made a ‘image’ for your other questions; You seem like you’re pretty healthy.
Have you been to the doctor? Wg. rabies, irritable intestine, concentration problems etc.?
Because of your eyes, you can make an appointment with the ophthalmologist in your residential area and let your visual organs examine thoroughly.
Good for you.
I’ve been with all the doctors, problem’s just that I’m a hypochonder. These eye problems, however, do not scare me, they just interfere, so I ask.
I understand…the problem is just, you’re here in a lay forum – it’s not a doctor forum. No one can help you better than just an ophthalmologist with his medical devices, in your residential area.
Very much, and very good for you.
I’ll see how the problems develop if I’m too disturbed I’m going to the doctor. Thanks for your help 🙂
You seem to have quite sensitive eyes, we who have never seen your eyes yet can not say what this is it could be anything, dry eyes, allergic reaction etc.
All right, thanks anyway..:)