Augenbrauenpiercing – Pflege, Tipps (Bild)?

Hallo Leute,

ich habe mir vor 2 Tagen ein Augenbrauenpiercing stechen lassen und jetzt sieht es so aus. Es hat sich eine Kruste um das Piercing gebildet. Soll ich diese Kruste entfernen und wenn ja wie soll ich das am besten machen? Habt ihr ansonsten Pflegetipps für mich. Ich habe ein Pflegespray gekauft vom Piercer und sprühe das 2-3 mal am Tag drauf. Reicht das oder was kann/soll ich noch tun? Ich will verhindern dass sich das entzündet und möchte es so gut wie möglich pflegen 🙏

Danke im Voraus

(Tut mir leid sieht etwas ekelig aus 😬)

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4 months ago

The rod is probably not a bit too short if you clean the piercing once, the cuddles take a lot of space on the rod…

Didn’t you get any care instructions at all?

Remove the crusts 2 – 3 times a day and leave them to stick to them for about days. You can simply remove the washed fingernails. Or you remove the crusts while showering. But in any case, the crust has to go.

And then you only use the care agent because it can then also get into the wound.

Greetings from Andrea from Dortmund (Piercerin & Bodymodderin since 1989)

PS: a professional piercer would have eliminated the disturbing hair in front of the piercen…

4 months ago

As has already been written, the staff is far too short.

I’d clean the crust with a cotton stick, spray something with your spray before. Should definitely be clean.

4 months ago

I’m sorry… The staff is far too short 😩 Please go back as soon as possible (soll be free and if not change the piercer. Care: let the dried blood soak for about 8 min and then carefully remove with nen Zewa. Always wash your hands beforehand. Otherwise, as you described, have a nice spray.
and go next time in the future to a serious piercer .

4 months ago

I know it only too well 🥲

4 months ago

Piercing care in full ^^