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2 years ago

Do you really want to be like most? Your eye color has become so and an inextricable sign of your uniqueness. What do you have when you look like everyone? How many times did you get negative comments about your eyes except yourself? Every day several times from the other idols, or 1 times a month?

2 years ago

Hello, you know your eye color is something special? If all blue eyes have – then another color is quite outstanding.

Don’t you notice?

And now I have to ask you another question: you know that you need your eyes to see. You can’t hate your eyes.

I greet you very much and- your eye color is special.

2 years ago

You can’t change that and blue eyes aren’t necessarily beautiful, just because they’re blue.

I rarely advise make-up, but you can also make small eyes big with a good technique and dark eyes like deep, mysterious wells.

2 years ago

Get friends and get away with it. There are more important things in life.

2 years ago

You can’t do anything, it’s just your eyes that you have inherited through your genes…. from your parents and grandparents.

That is why other eyes are childish! Be glad you can see……