Auge gerötet?

Mein linkes Auge ist seit heute Morgen rot und es tränt auch die ganze Zeit

Es bildet sich auch vermehrt (Dreck/Schleim) oder wie man das nennt am Augenrand das ich säubern muss

Ist das eine Infekion oderso, ist nur am linken Auge, das Rechte ist da verschonter aber auch rötlich

Oder ist das durch Schlafentzug, ich schlafe seit Tagen schlecht und auch nur 4-6h. Ansonsten ohnehin seit Monaten schlecht

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11 months ago


It could be that you just have very dry eyes I had this too and I just had to pick up normal eye drops in the pharmacy and should make an allergy because it didn’t help so well. After 3-4 weeks, the redness went away again. You can also place a bowl of water in your room to increase moisture.

But too little sleep can come

you may also have an inflammation, for example conjunctive inflammation

I’d just wait for a few more days and if the redness isn’t gone, I’d go to the pediatrician once.

if your eye aches, you can no longer see as good or gives slime then I would as soon as possible to the doctor

11 months ago

My left eye has been red since this morning and it also wears all the time

It also forms more (stretching/groom)

It sounds like conjunctivitis. And the photos also speak for it.

Please go to an ophthalmologist’s office and let your eyes examine.

Good improvement!

11 months ago

Looks like an eye infection!

I guess there’s only the scjritt to the “eye doctor” who can write you antibiotic eye drops.

Good luck! 🍀