Aufzuchtfutter bei Fischen nötig?
Also meine Platys haben Babys bekommen und jetzt kam mir die Frage in Kopf geschossen ob die unbedingt so Aufzuchtfutter brauchen oder ob die selbst was finden. Weil hab gelesen das die so spezielles Futter brauchen und das dann so 2-3 mal am Tag. Aber ich hab kein Aufzuchtbecken usw von daher schwimmen die im Becken wo auch die Eltern drin schwimmen.
Hab bis jetzt nur 3 gesehen und 1 “Muttertier” ist noch schwanger kommen also noch mehr
You can spruce extra so that it gets small and feed or (so I did) that
feed here. I fed two to three times a day. Swimming yes, but it’s better if you’re going through a little bit with your finger, so it’s swimming all over the aquarium.
With me, the food floats around in the aquarium because of the pump. So far, I’ve done this way that I just made my normal food smaller with my finger. Only I haven’t seen a baby this morning, and the parents and the other fish have eaten that so if the little ones got what
They need to rub it very small.
With my friend, unfortunately, it was like that when he thought the babies were old enough to put them to the big ones they had eaten them directly, so he now also has 2 pieces in a seperate and he feeds them with normal dry food and I can’t imagine that he fed them with something else at the beginning he didn’t know so;)
So with me, a parent is a short stroll behind and has looked what this is but hasn’t snapped, etc, and the little ones hide really well in the plants. Should I still feed the little ones 2-3 times? Because they have smaller stomach, etc is now the question
Yes several times feed is good 👍🏿