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8 months ago

That sounds like “lamp fever” and so many people have something to show or insist on before others. The thought behind it is mostly: what do they think about me and what happens when I do it too little?

In addition, it is not an everyday situation but quite rare that you have to do this and you get to the verdict of the spectators what can create uncertainty and then is unpleasant. And this uncertainty can create fear. Anyway, she’s nervous and you keep thinking about it without wanting to.

There is no switch to be able to simply turn off this fear, best of all, you will be aware that you can and even want to make yourself and the spectators happy with your dance!

Scare all thoughts that make fear as soon as they come, for they are not good and remember what you want:

You want to have joy and enjoy your dance, and now you have the great opportunity to do this and experience it because you are doing it and certainly not to be afraid or?

So enjoy your performance and look forward to it! 🙏😊

I wish you all the best and great pleasure in dancing, Patrickson

8 months ago

What you can do against your fear is that you have to find out yourself. But you should assume that those in the audience could not do better than you.

Apart from that, you get used to it. I play organ myself. The first preludes were in front of the kindergarten of the nightmare. Today I am so routined that it is totally relaxed and fun to share my music with others. Of course, I have a certain amount of tension too and again, but after hundreds of uses I also know that nothing worse can happen. Even if it goes totally wrong, it’s just like that. The experience of me, however, is rather that even great errors of the listeners do not come along at all. It’ll be like you too. The spectators will not recognize most mistakes at all, as they have no idea of dancing and they do not know your course. Professionals who sit in the audience who probably remember it. But they know how hard it is and will never say anything negative. Whoever criticizes your performance is simply a depp that has enough problems with itself

So all good

8 months ago

Search by Google:

Breathe deeply: consciously take a few minutes to prepare you and breathe out and in several times consciously. Movement: Do not sit still before the presentation, but consciously go up and down, stairs rise or the like. This reduces stress hormones and you can relax better.

My advice would just distract you. Make endurance sport, so you also build stress hormones. Relax before bed. Long shower or long bathing (e.g. take herbal bath) also helps very well. Try your coreography again so you don’t forget.

8 months ago

This is a very individual thing.

Some people help to distract themselves and ignore the fear, and other people help to practice it a lot until everything is perfect, and others are under pressure.

I personally have learned to accept that such fears are there and work despite these fears. If one enters the concrete situation one is or is at least it is so with me, anyway with adrenaline, and what I don’t know is flooded all that fear enters the background.

I am very well aware of this.

But if it helps you to make sports, crispy the favorite chips before a Netflix series. to meditate or go with the dog on long hikes, then this is also top 🙂

As I said, this is highly individual.

Whatever is a good thing is to remember other situations that were appropriate for you. You’ve appeared before… at the time it worked. This will not be so strange 🙂

8 months ago

Hey 🙂 don’t worry. Fear of a performance is normaleven if you already have experience 😃

Deep breathing, visualization of the successful performance and positive self-conversations can help.

It also helps to be well prepared and to rest sufficiently before the performance.

You create the floppy

8 months ago

You could work up in different stages, e.g. before the mother, then before the family, etc.

I’ve had it before.