Aufhören auf die Waage zu stellen um nicht fröhlich oder mal enttäuscht zu sein?
ich bin eine 14 jähriges 1,63 m großes mädchen mit einem Gewicht von 44,6 kg.
Mein Ziel ist es mein Gewicht zu halten und deshalb wollte ich fragen ob es normal ist an manchen Tagen mal 44,7 kg oder 45,1 kg oder auch mal 44,9 kg zu wiegen? Ich möchte halt schon nicht über 45 kg kommen.
Ich weiß auch das ich untergewichtig bin und joa… ich weiß echt nicht weiter…
Ich wiege mich so oft am Tag, dass ist nicht mehr normal 🙁
Ich will mich mal versuchen garnicht zu wiegen aber es klappt einfach nicht ):
Ich freue mich auf behilfliche Antworten!!! Danke im Voraus!!!
I wouldn’t do that in your place.
Try to take a healthy, balanced diet to you.
You’ll be harder by conching and muscle growth, but right at your age it’s important to eat to develop healthy. You’re in growth now, you can’t turn your life back or pick up/change. All you’re doing to your body development can cause permanent damage.
You can also slip into the magnificence and believe me from the hole just a few come out. Especially since it’s not fun and you give away valuable life in clinics and treatments.
I don’t think you want that.
Maybe you think about it.
I will! Of course, I will increase a bit by my growth and yes I try to feed as well as healthy and balanced as possible (: by my good metabolism I also eat regularly 👍🏻👍🏻
Yeah, that’s normal.
Up to 2-3 kilos are quite normal weight fluctuations. Just go to the scale 1x a week.
Please, you know you’re underweight, take a few kilos.
Well, but I have good muscle mass and also feed me well and have a good metabolism so I think it’s okay so long I’m sick of healthy eating and joa
is also completely okay… you’re in the bottom of the ideal weight, but that’s okay.
So don’t worry… it’s good and you have to feel comfortable.
As often as weighing can be tempting and interesting, but makes no sense.
Weight fluctuates every day and weekly weighing would be better.
Best weigh every week on the same weekday. So you really see how the weight develops.
45 – 61 kg
Ideal weight
So you don’t have any underweight, but you’re at the bottom of the border when you round your weight to 45 kg.
Daily fluctuations of up to 3kg above the TAg are normal. Therefore, there is no expressiveness at all – not several times a day at all. You don’t know anything about your weight.
If someone exactly specifies his weight to 100 grams, I have always sworn that there is a problem.
The following thought should illustrate why. The recommendation is to drink 1.5 litres every day. These 1.5 litres weigh 1.5 kg. You weigh 44.6 kilos. Now you drink 1 liter of water that has 0 calories and you weigh 45.6 kilos, even though you have no grams. A few hours later, you’re going to pee and swing again, weighing 44.6 kilos, even though you didn’t take a gram.
I have often heard of it and it is also true!! That’s why I think it’s water weight because I’m generally an active person