Hey Leute,
hab bei meinem alten Arbeitgeber gekündigt. Habe sie um einen Aufhebungsvertrag gebeten wo sie auch zugestimmt haben….
Fange am 01.09. bei meinem neuen Arbeitgeber an doch ich habe meinen Aufhebungsvertrag bei der alten Arbeitsstelle noch nicht unterschrieben…
Darf ich da jetzt überhaupt arbeiten gehen wenn der Aufhebungsvertrag noch nicht unterschrieben ist? (Wegen Versicherung etc.) Kann das du Problemen führen?
Then just sign it.
Or has the old employer not signed yet? So far, there is no cancellation agreement and your work relationship with the old employer remains. Then you have to come back to work on Monday if you don’t have a holiday.
My former employer has agreed to my termination and my cancellation agreement by WhatsApp…
The contract has not yet been prepared to sign although the termination has already been confirmed to me.
So there is no effective cancellation agreement yet. The approval via WhatsApp is not enough.
May you:)
Sure? My new boss only meant that I had to sign the cancellation contract by Monday at the latest, otherwise there would be problems. 🤔
As long as the old worker does not report you, you may have two employers for a short time. Is not prohibited 🙂
You can go to work. At worst, income is taxed higher in the short term. The date of the cancellation contract can also be written on 31.08.
Problem is simply that I and my former employer did not go well. They wouldn’t fit the 31.08….
My new boss is making a lot of wind. She said I had to sign the contract on Monday at most… otherwise I would have to start on 15.09.