Skip a certain module at university due to religious reasons?


One of my minor subjects is art education. I'm studying to be a teacher. And the thing is, I just saw in the module plan that the module "Fundamentals of Plastic Design" is listed there. And then I googled it, and it's about sculptures of people, etc. And for that, you have to create a portfolio and a presentation.
For religious reasons, I cannot paint pictures of living beings or create sculptures, etc.

I wanted to know if any of you have studied art or art education. And do you know if I can make my own decisions or if everything is always predetermined in such cases.
Yes, I could email the professor, but that won't happen until the sixth semester, according to the module plan, and art is currently completely online. But I'll definitely inquire :))

And it's really just about the ECTS points. Can you do more modules in completely different subjects instead of just art? Or does each subject have a certain number of credit points that must be achieved?

thank you

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1 year ago

Du könntest dich erkundigen/ nachlesen, wegen welcher genauen kunst-/didaktischen Kompetenzen dieses Modul in Verbindung gebracht ist. Und danach kannst du dir einen alternativen und für dich akzeptablen Plastischen Gestaltungsvorschlag für den Prof. überlegen.

Dann erst solltest du mit dem Prof. sprechen.