Aufgeschnitten kostet extra?
Wie steht ihr dazudas begonnen wird fürs Aifschneiden der Semmel extra Geld verlangt wird?
War letztens in den Schlagzeilen das begonnen wird für das aufschneiden der Semmel Arbeitszeit berechnet wird von 15c je Semmel.
Wie seht ihr das?
I think that’s just an undamaged moneymaker. Cutting a bun does not take 10 seconds and is completely free.
Where is that normal?
Anywhere where sliced and documented rolls are sold.
And there stands on the savior of the kas, doe gurken, and the squabbles do not cut
Whoever doesn’t want to pay it takes his knife with himself. Or pick up the bun.
But is that then not more expensive when everything needs to be packaged
Why extra packed?
Can you get loose on the hand?
Are you buying ne semmel and then throwing extra 5dag and cutting it up yourself?
Well, home will be occupied. One minute work in Germany costs between 50 cents and 1.5 euros
Alarm clock:
Brötchen or Semmel are names for small bags of various types.
Churrywurst is not only sliced sausage
The name
Or is a french with semmel a hot dog for you?
We redem not of bunny
As a rule, it’s called curry sausage!
I’d just let the customer put his bun in the store and he’s gonna be charged with a simple sandwich.
You can
Let me do often
The is Standard
The at the bratwurststand does not require 1€ extra if you want to cut the sausage
Then I can’t buy a bread and cut it up.
This is simply sold and is good.
You can also get 3 hours without food if you don’t want to pay the amount or you can!
No one has to buy an incandescent wine for 7,50 Euro or a sausage for 8 Euro on a Christmas market.
Having money comes from keeping nothing you don’t need to help general.
Because you can’t take your own jause anywhere
I’ll let them go in advance! Home! Why would I buy them much more expensive on the way than necessary?
For this there are bread boxes etc.
So your jause for the car drive you’re not eating at home after 6h drive?
There are already shops that require much more for it.
15Cent is a real bargain.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that this is a regular assembly work when cutting the semmals for all customers.
And the employees also want to be paid and don’t just have to go to work for free. Otherwise one day it will come that the boss says:
“For this day you work unpaid because the customer does not want to pay extra.”
I don’t think that would be fair.
It’s called oreiscalulation
And if he has to pack semmel, lay and sweet extra it takes longer
From a certain number, a small tip would be appropriate.