Aufgegebenes Gepäck so teuer?

kann das wirklich stimmen? Für eine Person 98 Euro zusätzlich ? Ich habe meinen Flug Ende Dez 2021 gebucht nur mit Handgepäck aber habe vor evtll. einen größeren Koffer für den Frachtraum, da ich gerne aus dem Ausland Lebensmittel und Flüssigkeiten mitnehmen mag.

Allerdings(!) 98 Euro für einen Koffer scheint viel zu sein. Gibt es da andere Tipps und Tricks?

airline : Lufthansa

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2 years ago

but may have a larger suitcase for the cargo hold, as I like to take food and liquids from abroad.

But you know that you are NOT allowed to introduce everything from abroad to Deutchland? It should be known to you now.

This will be taken away by customs if it does not comply with the import regulations….like cheese, for example, or meat and sausage.

And because of the cost, you can certainly ask the airline again.

2 years ago
Reply to  studiogirl

🤭 My me to remember that it was about candy. And last but not least mayonnaise, which she wanted to bring from Spain or Portugal. 🤦

2 years ago
Reply to  tajpms

– I can’t get that clear anymore…….and always the same questions.

2 years ago

I’m glad you’re so cool.

You’re gonna enjoy us, aren’t you? 😅

2 years ago

How beautiful! And I am amazed that you are constantly starting question repetitions…… until they are deleted again.

2 years ago

Well, let’s have a little fun. 😄

Time and again! 😉😁

2 years ago

So I don’t know what it’s like, but I can imagine that it’s more expensive than a second supplier, who wants to earn something.

2 years ago

Additional baggage costs depend on the route and the booked fare. On the Lufthansa website there is a luggage storage computer ( Here you can specify your route & tariff class and it will show you how expensive it is to book a baggage.

My tip would be to book the baggage item directly at Lufthansa instead of MyTrip.

2 years ago

According to my experience, the additional baggage items on other booking pages are usually more expensive than on the airline. So they probably earn their money: the actual flights are a few euros cheaper than the airlines directly, so you get the money back in via the extras.