Aufgegeben ein Beruf zu finden?

Ist es schlimm aufgegeben zu haben einen Berf zu finden? Da ich einfach nichts finden konnte, was mich wirklich interessiert und war realistisch ist.

Darum habe ich aufgegeben ein Beruf zu finden. Vielleicht werde ich nie Arbeiten, oder halt irgendwas hier und da mal, aber nicht wirklich.

Denn, wie willst du Arbeit lange durchhalten, wenn es nichts ist, was dich interessiert?

Nee, das macht kein Sinn, und bin bereit die Nachteile in Kauf zu nehmen, denn Burnout wäre auch schlimm.

Denn wie soll man z.b. eine Ausbildung schaffen wenn es einem null Interessiert?

Warum also nicht das mit der Berufswahl aufgeben, wenn es eh nichts gibt?

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6 months ago

Is it bad to have abandoned to find a rupture? Because I just couldn’t find anything that really interested me and was realistic.

As long as you don’t want to complain about the consequences of your decision….

that it’s unrealistic that you’ve been busy with 300+ professions to say that no one would make you fun, we already had under your other post.

So let’s start with that you don’t know for any profession if he would make you fun just because you don’t even know everyone who is possible.

That’s why I quit finding a job. Maybe I’ll never work, or do something here and there, but not really.

This is your conscious decision when you are working. No necessary success.

Because, how are you going to keep work long if it’s nothing that interests you?

You too have an interest.

Nee, that doesn’t make sense, and I’m willing to accept the disadvantages, because Burnout would also be bad.

Then live with your decision and the consequences.

For how to create a training if you are interested in a zero?

By looking for someone who cares about you.

So why don’t you give up with the career choice if there’s nothing?

There’s something for you, too. The responsibility to actively seek can only take you off.

6 months ago
Reply to  Aufgebaer

This is your own problem.

Say it’s not that you don’t like calling but that you don’t have the interest to find out if you like one.

As you said, you can do what you want, but then do not complain about the consequents of your decision.

Your questions here read as “I painted with blue, now the place is blue and not green. My life is bad because I decided to blue probably painted the blue blue and not green”

6 months ago

That is the case I dare to doubt, so fast you are not permanently reduced to employment

But yes it’s great if you don’t have any more reason to ask here about the topic of work.

6 months ago

Do you have proof of full or partial reduction in employment?

Reha failed?

6 months ago

You also have talents! You may not know her yet.

Take this test here. He gives you the profession you are really suitable for. The test is very good. Take him seriously or he won’t work.

6 months ago
Reply to  Aufgebaer

That’s not true! You just have the wrong attitude. You can also change them.

6 months ago

… because you are always too hungry.