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Well, if you really want to increase, really urgently, you can do that too. It’s quite simple.
Sucking a block of butter over the day (which alone has as much calories as you need on one day), drinking a bottle of salad oil (300ml and the daily consumption of calories is covered), your weight will explode as I bet with you, there is virtually impossible physically not to increase within a short time. At least if there’s nothing wrong.
It’s not healthy, of course.
Are health causes that could prevent an increase?
(e.g. thyroid hyperfunction)
Otherwise, I would advise you to start with strength training and track your diet (at least at the beginning).
If you go through it, you take muscles and a little fat.
Try to take at least 1.5 g of protein per KG body weight to you and drive an excess of about 300-400 kcal.
I don’t think this has never been controlled by me.
It’s not different from overweight. You can force yourself to eat more or less, then something changes.
But if you eat normally again, like you’re hungry or not, then the weight will swing back.
If it’s really extreme. I think.
Don’t have to be if it doesn’t work for a long time.
give up with all violence.
Eat what you are and enjoy every bite.
Here are some tips:
Thank you.
Just learn to accept your body. After all your questions, you have to be most unsatisfied with your appearance.
I am not so dissatisfied in itself
You have a fantastic, stunning good and sexy figure.
Stay as you are, playing +/- a few kilos.
You are beautiful and attractive, enjoy it 🙂
It’s all right.
If it doesn’t work then leave
What for?
What for?
your figure is good