Aufgaben Finanzwirt?

Hallo, ich würde gerne wissen ob man als Finanzwirt im Außendienst tätig sein kann und was die Aufgaben sind (Niedersachsen)?
Sehe das zurzeit als Alternative zur Polizei wenn das nicht klappen sollte.

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4 months ago


The middle service at the tax office can drive out as a full-time officer (so, quasi, the ‘compulsory equivalent’) and that would probably be the closest to it, but that is a relatively rare job. If you’re interested in this…)

Obverse service would then be an audit of the operation and, if necessary, a tax assessment. Examination, you can come in some way, but that’s essentially an office job, except that you’re also bumping into a small room that smells like cigarettes and looking at the numbers.

Control flag may be more like yours, but that would also be a ‘replacement’ for the police thing that you actually want a lot more and that’s not where everyone comes.

In this respect, it is possible but I think rather a fairly limited substitute. See if the customs would interest you. I think it’s more ‘Acitonlastig’ and somewhere an interface between the tax office and the police.