Aufgabe Druck Gasflasche (Physik)?

Eine Gasflasche mit einem Volumen V = 0.2m3, Druck 16bar. Ein Patient verbraucht 0.008m3 pro Minute. Ab 1 bar Druck fliesst kein Gas mehr aus der Flasche. Wie lange hält die Gasflasche aus – angenommen, dass die letzte Liter Sauerstoff nicht selbstständig rauskommt? (A)

– 28.5min

– 40min

– 37.5min

(1 votes)

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1 year ago

You have to calculate how much L gas is contained in the bottle in the uncompressed state (i.e. at 1 bar), then take off the bottle volume (which remains in it), and share the rest by the patient’s consumption.

1 year ago

The indication is not clear. If the gas bottle is 0.2 Nm^3 of the gas at 16 bar or does the gas bottle have an inner volume of 0.2 m^3 and the gas therein has the corresponding x-fold standard volume?

In variant 1: calculate which residual volume then corresponds to 1 bar and withdraw from the total volume and calculate the time with the volume flow

In variant 2: volume times 15 (because 1 bar residual pressure remains) and then calculate the time with the volume flow.

I guess it’s variant 1 because otherwise times don’t fit.

1 year ago

I would convert to liters in that case…just to overview.

0.2 m3 are 200 l…small for a gas bottle! At 16 bar, the 3200 L, of which only 15×200 L=3000 L can be found!

You need 8 L per minute…

3000 L/min=?

Seems to be 20 L/0.02 m3!