Aufforderung die Steuererklärung?
Ich bin eigentlich nicht verpflichtet, meine Steuererklärung abzugeben. Vor einigen Monaten habe ich jedoch ELSTER beantragt, weil ich beabsichtige, meine Steuererklärung zu machen. Trotzdem habe ich sie bisher nicht eingereicht. Nun habe ich vom Finanzamt eine Aufforderung erhalten, meine Steuererklärung für das Jahr 2022 bis zum 15.03.2024 einzureichen. Andernfalls wird mir angedroht, ein Zwangsgeld in Höhe von 200 Euro zahlen zu müssen. Ich verstehe nicht, warum ich plötzlich dazu aufgefordert werde. Nach meinem Verständnis bedeutet die Nutzung von ELSTER jedoch nicht automatisch, dass ich verpflichtet bin, eine Steuererklärung abzugeben.
kann mir jemand dies aufklären ?
That’s right.
However, the tax office is empowered to oblige persons to pay even if they are actually released by law.
§ 149 AO – Tax declarations – (1) The tax laws determine who is required to deliver a tax return. In order to deliver a tax return, it is also necessary to ask the financial authority to do so.
Why you have been obligated to do this, I can’t answer you – that depends on your circumstances. The legal obligations that exist anyway without a request by the tax office have listed you toTTraXX.
The basic obligation to issue the tax return iSd §§25 and 46 EStG and 56 EStDV is as follows:
New from 2024 :
The FA doesn’t get any of this and doesn’t care about it for the first time.
Probably because unfortunately there is a duty obligation.
So we’re already in the forced money procedure and you’ve already threatened a forced money.
Because there is probably a duty obligation.
You’re right about that.
I’m in tax class 1 and single. I live alone, have no children or other obligations. I’ve been working for three years and so far have submitted my tax return on the taxfix voluntarily. I have always done this very late. So far, I have not received any letters or notifications that I am obliged to submit a tax return. It is therefore surprising to me that suddenly a call with forced money ransom was received by March. I didn’t get a message or something. Two weeks ago, I requested Elster and only received a letter for registration for Elster, but no further information about my tax return.
That doesn’t sound like a duty
This will not be communicated in writing
Normally, this threat in midnestens is still a reminder.
The points mentioned in the reply to me concerning the duty obligation shall be examined once.
If, according to your opinion, there is no obligation to pay, this shall inform the FA. If the FA is of a different opinion, they should tell you this.
The whole thing made a different message via
thank you:)
Grundsätzlich müsste jeder ein Steuerklärung angeben. Für Arbeitnehmer gibt es aber Ausnahmen.
wenn Du eine der folgenden Voraussetzungen erfüllst:
dann musst Du sie machen. Mehr fällt mir nicht ein,
Und wenn das so ist, dann musst du Fristen beachten, die der Gesetzgeber vorgibt. kannst du die nicht einhalten, kannst Du Verlängerung beantragen.
Wenn Du also zur Abgabe einer Steuererklärung für das Jahr 2022 verpflichtet bist, musstest Du bis zum 2. Oktober 2023 einreichen. Für steuerlich beratene Personen verlängert sich die Abgabefrist auf den 31. Juli 2024..
Ich gehe davon aus, dass das FA Dir diese Erinnerung mit Fristsetzung geschickt hat aufgrund Vorjahresdaten oder der Vermutung aufgrund der Beantragung ELSTER. Wenn Du keine machen musst, dann rufe beim FA an.
Thanks for the answer. I have always made the tax return too late by using the taxfix app, and so far I have not received any notification that I have to do this. In the previous years, I just did it when it was me.
tja, so everything changes
The duty to give up a tax return is often unconscious. It is sufficient, for example, to have been in short-time work in one year and to have received state subsidies. The same applies to parental allowance or ALG1. Even if you have a business, you have to.
I’m sure there’s more cases a professional has on the screen. But in principle you’re right, only registering with Elster means no duty to pay.
Thanks for the answer. But do you not normally receive a letter or another one before, indicating that you have to give the tax return for 2022? It’s surprising to me that I’m suddenly asked to do this within four weeks. That’s pretty expensive.
No, because this is in the law and the law is publicly visible to everyone, just as all the changes in the law are publicly in the Federal Law Bulletin.
For example, from 2024 onwards, I slip into the duty of levies through a change of law (new duty to pay reimbursements of contributions of health insurance > 410 €) and was never obliged before.