Aufenthaltstitel verloren, Reise in die Heimat in 3 Wochen?
Hallo, Ich hoffe es kann mir jemand weiterhelfen, meine Mutter besitz einen Unbefristeten Aufenthaltstitel den sie samt ihrem Geldbeutel verloren hat, dass Problem ist nur wir Fliegen in 3 Wochen in die Heimat (Verlustanzeige, Neuen Antrag wurde bereits vorgenommen) meine Frage wäre jetz ob sie dennoch Reisen könnte? Sie hat von der Stadt Nürnberg eine „bescheinigung“ über ihren Aufenthaltsstatus erhalten. Da wir überall lesen entweder Aufenthaltstitel (Plastikkarte) dabei haben oder man kann nicht reisen.
The consulate of your mother’s homeland should give you information.
This has nothing to do with the German residence permit.
What do you mean?
what does the consulate have to create right nix.
I see, little tricky.
A photo of the residence title + the certificate of it and it probably won’t be enough or?
Almost right. Re-entry to Germany is also not a problem because it is owned by an unlimited residence permit. However, there can be problems when the airline is unable to start with the certificate, and if it does not leave it in the plane without a visa.
Right, so the trip from Germany to home should not pose any problems, just entering Germany?
It’s about the residence status in Germany. It is only important for returning to Germany, but not for entry into the mother’s home country. However, a foreign consulate has nothing to do with returning to Germany.
With the certificate, she will not get any problems in return. However, there can already be problems before the airline is reciprocated. Well, if it can’t start with the presumably German-speaking certificate and then it doesn’t even read into the plane without a visa or residence permit.
In fact, just ask at the airport at the federal police and they said there should be no problems. Then we hope not to cross the airline in the home country. Thank you
It’ll be okay. Good trip!
Thank you for the help 🙂
what does it say?
That she owns an indefinite residence permit, and the corresponding number, which is also in the pass, is also on