Aufbau einer Kurzgeschichte?
Hey, ich habe von der Schule eine Aufgabe, dass ich einen Schreibplan für eine Kurzgeschichte, die ich selber schreiben soll, machen soll. Leider finde ich nur Merkmale im Internet und komme so nicht weiter. Könnt ihr mir helfen? Dankeschön 🙂
Before you write,you should think about what you write.A story is always divided(beginning,height point of history,Gloss).It is nevertheless important even if it is a short story that you have a beginning,a culmination of history and a conclusion.It is absolutely essential that you have no repetition in it.If you note this, it should work.
Just the “features” you find on the net also include:
You simply make this a small text with your own words.
What have you got so far? What’s your idea and where exactly are you going? What have you been discussing about short stories so far and what does your teacher mean with writing plan?
You need a place, an action, your characters and a time. That’s all it is.