Auf wie viel ng testet die Bundeswehr?
Ich wollte euch mal fragen, wie viel ng die Bundeswehr bei einem Drogenscreening testet?
Ein Kamerad hat nämlich einen Joint vor einer Woche geraucht und er geht diesem Monat noch auf der Bundeswehr.
Liebe grüße von mir und meinem Kameraden
On Bundeswehr certainly not, but the Bundeswehr. But maybe. It’s not very smart to get a couple of joints in before the Bundeswehr entry.
For if your “friend” has smoked a joint only once, then this is detectable for 4 days at the urine test. And up to three months with regular consumption.
He will know how much joints he smoked over a longer period of time.
If its test is positive, it will probably be excluded for certain uses.
But you can do all this in the zDV 46/1, soldier law §17 para. 4 and the zDV 10/5.
Thanks for the star 🙂
The Bundeswehr will not allow for cost reasons to perform high-quality laboratory urine screenings. One probably takes favorable quick tests, which as a result show only positive, negative or invalid, but no ng value.
The detection period of cannabis depends on the consumption frequency. Once your friend has smoked something, he has no need to worry about proof after a week. As a rule, for one-time or rare consumption, the degradation products of consumption can be detected in urine for three to four days.
Detection limit 1ng/ml