Auf welchen Plattformen kann man schreiben?
Wo kann man Texte schreiben und veröffentlichen?
Ich bin es hier leid, dass mir immer wieder Texte und Beiträge gelöscht werden. Schreiben ist mir wichtig. Ich schreibe über Dinge die mich bewegen und möchte auch das sie gelesen werden.
Aber hier komme ich mir schon lange so vor als ob ich in meiner Meinung unterdrückt werde, obwohl ich hier seit Jahren schreibe und in politischen Themen einer der Topuser bin.
Aber das belastet mich und mit jedem Beitrag der mir gelöscht wird gehe ich an die Decke.
Habe darauf keine Lust mehr. Deshalb haut bitte alle Plattformen raus auf denen ich frei schreiben kann und wo die Satzzeichen nicht extrem begrenzt sind, sodass man nur zwei, drei Sätze schreiben kann.
For the first time, it is important to save everything you write on your own computer.
On blogs (zb, you can write as well as anything, but you have to be almost famous to be read.
I can recommend where many writers cheat and discuss it. I haven’t noticed censorship yet.
Okay, thanks. I’ll take a look at that. 👍
Thanks for the star!
Nothing. There too, my texts are denied to be public…
I don’t know what to do. But seemingly I’m censored across the platform…
And the basic right to express itself freely in word and Scripture does not apply to me…
I can give you a few pages I know where to publish his textbooks. What you’re looking for, I can’t help you. Write your opinion in stories. Bring her in. Only there you are free. Otherwise, our society is so excited to be true “free” and its opinion “free to express”, but it is not. You have to bear consequences or not. We are free to express our opinions, but how they arrive at others and how they are dealt with is something else.
There are many pages where you can publish your texts. However, you should be aware that these pages do not have it with copyrights.
You can easily copy texts, and unfortunately many do. I was active for 1 year at Wattpad and have received three cases where texts were stolen by others, with which some money was even earned…
Since I publish my books on a publisher myself, I have distanced myself from these pages. At least about my novels. I still publish short stories there or also my experiences and dealing with writing blockades, give tips etc.
Thank you. I will look at everything.
But it’s more for literary texts.
Quora and Reddit aren’t necessarily a gf replacement. X offers maximum range and freedom of expression, but there is the corresponding character limitation.
The range of X, and also Facebook etc., can be used for long texts anyway. This requires a blog and many followers. Then on these platforms you can easily set the links to its latest blog articles.
I have had good experiences with WordPress. Here’s my old drug policy blog:
With much networking in the legalization scene and approx. 1300 subscribers and 1100 friends on Facebook and ca. 1000 followers on the then Twitter I created 5000 readers per article. That’s work, and it’s not going to be the same.
An unknown blog and a new X account generates 3-5 readers – so nothing.
This has everything to do with networking and reach.
You have the maximum freedom as a blogger. However, you also need an imprint and are an operator, even if this is hosted by WordPress. WordPress is free, by the way, because the from a certain number of readers/clicks will turn advertising before your article. If it works well and you want to monetize yourself, the move on your own server space is worth it, but I don’t think you’re interested. At any rate, you can decide on WordPress whether you need to allow comments, block or release comments. As a responsible person in the sense of press law, you are responsible in your blog, for example, when someone postes a cross of hooks into the comments and you do not delete it in time. This is not like on a platform like X or gf that you have nothing to do with other users’ comments – in your blog you are V.i.S.d.P. And thus liable for all content, even for comments from your readers.
Other policy forums have either all closed or can be forgotten.
This platform is called “Good Question” and not “”.
There are various providers of blogs, that might be something.
I’m with WordPress. There are many others. Just google.
I’m just…
In social networks e.g.
And how?
Yes, I do. You have to do some advertising on your own.
Okay. So few hundred readers per post are already in there?
At times when I was still active, amazingly often. I’ve spent most of my time on art, that’s not a mass theme.
How often are contributions read?
So I like to write and understand you well.
I write on two platforms:
Hope I could help you.
Thank you.
You’re welcome
On Wattpad or Inkitt you can write so much you want
How often are contributions read?
At Wattpad, I don’t know myself like that, but at Inkitt it depends on what genre you’re looking for, how you write and how big your Communty is.
Okay, thanks:)