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Once you have seen how they are made, you lose your appetite.
I haven’t eaten chips for a long time. Highest self-baked vegetable chips.
The only chocolate I like to eat is the bitterst form of it.
What I don’t want to miss is cheese. I’ll put him here myself, because my neighbor has milk cows.
Thanks for the award. Nice to meet you.
I like everything right, but I can still do without cheese. 😉😊
LG Maike
although I could not miss out on the other things
I could dispense with everything.
I feel the most comfortable and the acidity that you get differently 🙂
In addition to the rubber search, I would also dispense with greed and power addiction
Most likely
I can easily dispense with the ‘sights’ listed here. But trust me, I have other trucks. ^^
on everything because I don’t get it
If on rubber bears. I don’t really like it.
I don’t like it.
Nothing makes addiction
I don’t like chips
To everything, except chocolate.