Auf welche Konzerte wärt ihr gerne gegangen, konntet aber letztlich nicht?
Hallo liebe Community,
ich sehe häufig Fragen, wie: wart ihr schonmal auf einem Konzert? oder Auf welchen Konzerten wart ihr bereits?, aber nie, welche Konzerte ohne euch stattfinden mussten.
Ich hab definitiv eine größere Liste an verpassten Konzerten als an Konzerten, bei denen ich wirklich war.
Letztes Jahr im Juni hatte ich z.B. ein Ticket für THE BOYZ in Berlin und konnte letztlich nicht gehen.
ATEEZ dieses Jahr konnte ich auch nicht sehen.
Deep Purple war letztes Jahr auch geplant, aber zur selben Zeit war unsere Studienfahrt mit der Schule, deshalb ging das nicht.
Ich konnte dann bei der Studienfahrt nicht mit, da das aber geplant und bezahlt war hatte ich mir für Kim Woojin kein Ticket geholt, da ich zu dem Zeitpunkt hätte in Rom sein sollen & als ich dann doch nicht mit bin, gabs für ihn natürlich keine Tickets mehr.
The Cure im Oktober letztes Jahr fiel auch flach.
Das Konzert fand zwar wegen Corona nie statt, aber 2020 hatte ich geplant Tickets für BTS zu holen, hatte auch extra Geld gespart (hab dafür meine DVD Sammlung verkauft), aber das fiel dann halt auch wieder ins Wasser.
Ob ich dieses Jahr im September wieder zu wavvyboi kann, steht auch noch in den Sternen.
Jetzt ist am Freitag und übernächsten Dienstag RADWIMPS in Köln und Berlin & ratet mal, wer natürlich nicht hin kann? Genau, ich.
Three Days Grace hab ich 2017 und letztes Jahr nicht hingehen können – 2017 durfte ich nicht, weil ich minderjährig war & meine Mom nein gesagt hat und 2022 konnte ich nicht wegen der Schule.
Und 2018 & 2019 konnte ich BTS nicht sehen – 2018 hab ich kein Ticket bekommen und 2019 waren die nur in London & Paris und ich noch keine 18, also joa, hat Mama wieder nein gesagt.
Das sind wohl so die, die mich am meisten runtergezogen haben, hab aber auch noch andere Konzerte, wie Yungblud, 5SOS, My Chemical Romance, BMTH & Black Veil Brides verpassen müssen.
Wie sieht’s bei euch aus?
Danke im Voraus LG
PS: bisher war ich 2x Stahlzeit, Fall Out Boy, wavvyboi und einem Festival bei dem Swiss & die Andern aufgetreten sind (bin nur für die hingegangen)
Last year at In Extremo:
I was there, I had Bock, the mood was great after the bands…
At the second song, I turned around and swept my ankle ̄\_(ツ)_/
Oh, man, that’s really bad
For this I was still at Rock in the park and at the same year for healing and everything went well
Had to go to a concert by with confidence before 2019, then I decided, now the band has dissolved, tja.
There are many musicians I could not see because of my age (bin 16) (T.Rex, Chuck Berry, Ray Charles, Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, Creedence Clearwater Revival, my favorite band Queen (so with Freddie Mercury), etc.)
The list is infinitely long.
Last year I wanted to see Aerosmith, but then all the concerts in Europe were cancelled. Now they go to Farewell Tour, which takes place only in Canada and the USA.
I also wanted to see the Rolling Stones on their 60-year tour, but that never happened. The concerts were too far away and I had no money anyway.
I hope I can still see Queen with Adam Lambert.
who is your bias in ateez? 👀
for example, I want to be super happy to mcountdown in paris, but it says where mcountdown takes place. And my parents will certainly not go there for my birthday.
the kcon in October I can’t go.
Coldplay next year.. I know it’s only next year and I could get tickets, but how high is the probability? I was one of the first in the pre-sale, but my parents thought, we’d clear the home” 🥹 and in the evening the tickets were of course gone.
Eric nam next year. I probably won’t be able to go.
p1harmony too, unfortunately.
to harry styles I would also like to have gone and Taylor swift next year too. But then get tickets.
rammstein exactly the same, I got sick.
but I will feel every concert sick and only shortly before just a little healthy.
for example now I am sick and lie flat with flu. but got for Monday (G)I-dle tickets.. very bad thing
I hope you’ll be fit again by Monday
And my alias is Wooyoung 🙂
Thank you
Post Malone was in Germany a few weeks ago, so I’d like to go. Unfortunately, he was only in Cologne and that was too far away from me. Been to a concert with him in 2019 and it was mega
Yeah, I usually do. Berlin is still okay, but Cologne is too far, because it’s about 8 hours on the way by train and that even if the trains are on time and there are no complications.
It’s stupid.
I had tickets for rammstein in Munich (has seen rammstein the year before) and also for rock am ring. I then decided to rock the ring because I was there with friends on the campsite all week.
Now the problem comes.. I had put mixh on the weekend in front of the ring with corona and was only negative on Saturday and could have gone to rammstein.
In the end, I missed both
I actually wanted to see Herman van Veen last year, which I very much appreciate, but something came in there – Corona wasn’t, but something personal, the appointment somehow didn’t fit.
2NE1, BIGBANG, The Cure, Black Veil Brides, Sleeping with Sirens, Tokyo Hotel, Avril lavigne yooo :3
BTS and BlackPink. For a BTS concert I discovered BTS late and for BlackPink I was far away (BlackPink were in Germany and I live in Austria).
Oh yes and also Imagine Dragons. They were in Austria, but I have not known the band yet:(.
ATEEZ on 15 February….😭
I wasn’t a real Atiny yet, but I liked the music and so much.
A friend of mine went and would have liked to take me, but Mommy was too high and I didn’t know Ateez so well. I would have liked to see her
Later, my friend then told me that if you had tickets, you got them for free because there were still many places left. I would have free can see😭
That was so angry, but I couldn’t know before…
Oh, there are many, unfortunately, some are no longer to catch up…
For example: Motörhead and Dio
Also: Judas Priest one of my favorites from my youth, Deep Purple and Kiss would still be missing.
But the list would be long. Since I don’t go to stadiums or giant halls for a concert, the selection is then smaller than you think in such well-known acts…
5sos. Had even tickets for Stuttgart could not go short and not sell the tickets :'(
I was a kid at a Rolf Zukowski concert. Wär liked to have been on one of Whitney Houston, but unfortunately this is no longer 😭
Without If and But: Pink Floyd “The Wall” in Dortmund.
The biggest gig ever since Woodstock.
One of my friends was last year at the Pink Floyd concert with the then friend of his current girlfriend xD
Wanted on the Blachpink concert but was not allowed
Two Steps from Hell a few years ago. Couldn’t be sick.
For Queen and Michael Jackson, I was too late…
Yeah, I know that. Is this with Type O Negative with Peter Steele