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I actually have 2 🙈. I had my first email address then with 10 on Hotmail, also called ”Windows Live Hotmail” until it was removed from Outlook or unnamed. And since 2012 I was 15, I have been using Gmail as an email provider since then, but rather for Google & CO. Which I use most is Outlook 🤷 ♀️😁😃.
Since I also have an own domain, website and thus also an own e-mail address, mostly only for work, this is also very often used 😉.
Gmail and I use it most. But I also have a freenet mail account.
I am my own email provider and do not use any of the other providers active. “Not active” means that although I have a Google account that has not been created for e-mail, I do not send e-mail about it or address it as a recipient address. The Google account is also the only one mentioned.
Over time, I have some mail addresses and everything is hotmail addresses, 3 pieces even, which you don’t get anymore.
Was that what my parents showed me at the time and I saw no reason to change.
Edit: Right, I’ve got some gmail addresses through my YouTube accounts, but well, they’re more forced and never used.
Outlook, because I’m used to it from the office.
Gmail = my prvt. Email
Microsoft = my school email
I have 2 addresses on G-mail. I don’t use other providers.
and much more.
To make advertising for a provider is good & nice, but I honestly don’t need to be special, nevertheless thank you for the info ^^^.
You asked, and he just said why.
I didn’t know yet…. Sounds a bit like a mix of Posteo and Tutanota – not even bad!
Yeah, it’s like that. and Posteo came out a few years ago as winners from a test (does not know if there was Tutanota already) and I moved. Was quite simple and I had hardly any problems yet – most were caused by me by wrong configuration of clients :D.
Do you have to pay for his email address?
Yeah, that’s where you pay for his email address.
I currently pay 3€ a month for all features that stand above + calendar + contacts + theoretical cloud office with 5GB memory.
This is worth the money for it to work with Ecostrom, is open-minded, trustworthy, hosted in Germany and GDPR compliant.
With all the free offers, I always go with: “What does not cost money is paid with data.” Does not always have to vote, but at the latest when it comes to overseas stuff like GMail, Microsoft or Yahoo it is clear that at least the NSA reads everything.
See Steam Deck: a lot now works just as and sometimes even more liquid on Linux than on Windows. But I only know indirectly: I only play on consoles, everything else has always been too much on Windows with updates and security settings and more.
Yeah, that’s the trick: you get something and then you use it. And then you’re trapped in the ecosystem and don’t get out. Apple dominates this wonderfully.
Then please send me your account data and passwords. To do this, please ask your browser history and more! Everyone always has something to hide! Privacy is not an abstract construct but reality.
Dispose email addresses: If I have to sign up for a service that I don’t need later, or if any page wants to have an email address, then I will provide a disposable email address there. This has nothing to do with my other address and is deleted after a few weeks. This isn’t a trace of me.
Email aliases: I can merge several email addresses in an account. As a result, for example, I separate Gelump as a good question from my bank address, etc. I’m very pleasant.
In both cases, if you don’t want it, you should leave it.
I know. I had it during my studies too. That hurts. But my decision was clear: privacy is important to me.
And this has nothing to do with fear, but with the current reality. But I don’t want to bother you because you don’t want to read it anyway.
Have a nice day and a lot of fun.
1 But I am PC Gamer, who has no Bock has thousands of detours to be able to use his spies and programs.
2 OK, YouTube/Google has changed that. I just created my YouTube accounts several years ago and got a gmail address. I never wanted one.
3 And there is nothing in my mails, where I am concerned. It’s totally normal nowadays.
Why e-mails, I don’t understand the meaning until today. Just like e-mail aliases I don’t need.
Just remember that not everyone is as scary with his data as you. I have hardly any money available. 3€ per month are almost 10% of my monthly income. This cheap price now hurts.
You get email aliases and e-mail addresses free of charge? Your emails are not scanned, despite free service? It’s hard to believe.
I’ve been getting no more advertising for years – at least no spam. There are a few newsletters that I subscribed, but I want to be active. has an excellent spam filter.
But so everyone has to decide what he spends money or what he doesn’t. I’m more than worth the money!
I also create jobs in Germany and not overseas.
Well, but as far as Microsoft is concerned, WIndow’s user has an account anyway, same as YouTube or Android with gmail.
Personally, I would have tested the site, but I don’t see what to pay if you can get it for free. 95% of the mails I get are advertising.
they have
use the most and GMX least., everything else is then based on what I use work, private, orders, etc,…
Hää is not GMX? At least my one Werbwerfmail runs over O.o.
No are 2 different
Since I use Office365, Outlook offers itself. I can synchronize my 20 mail rules with the cloud and have a 50GB mail mailbox.
However, I also have one at GMX, as with Outlook and Gmail.
I have another address.
Finally, there is an address at IONOS, from the website I manage.
I have several addresses:
I have an account for 16 years at gmail (at that time googlemail) and since my website is online (since 12 years), a Catch-All account at my website. I hardly use the third account at
I use several, Protonmail, Tutanota, Onionmail and Countermail.
I mainly use GMX. However, I also have those for Gmail and Outlook.
I use GMAIL and Outlook
Gmail private
Outlook on work
L.g. Jan
Have my own domains and my own web/mail servers.