Auf was könntet ihr als Deutscher am ehsten Verzichten davon?
Auf was könntet ihr als Deutscher am ehesten verzichten davon?
So für ein halbes Jahr !
Auf was könntet ihr als Deutscher am ehesten verzichten davon?
So für ein halbes Jahr !
Die sauce heisst 5p: halbrahm, tomatenmark, parmesan, petersilie, salz und pfeffer sind die zutaten
Hallo, ich habe ein Glas mit Cranberrysaft getrunken. Setzt Cranberrysaft die Wirkung der Pille evaluna 20 ab oder kann ich von einem erhaltenen Schutz ausgehen? Danke schonmal 🙂
Ich esse jeden Morgen 200 Gramm Haferflocken mit Milch Banane und whey protein. Ist das viel?
Meine Mutter hat mir gesagt das essen undizipliniert ist und ich immer dizipliniert sein muss. Seit dem finde ich das essen peinlich ist und man nichts essen sollte. Mein Magen ist oft leer und tut höllisch weh, aber meine Mutter sagt ich MUSS dizipliniert sein und das es unfassbar undizipliniert ist einfach zu essen. Ich…
Die sind noch extremer als Veganer und essen eben nur Früchte. Aber warum denken sie, dass wäre gesund, und überhaupt, wie kann man als Fruitarier nicht extrem unterernährt sein? Ich meine das ist eine Hungerdiät, oder nicht? Wieso gibt es Leute die denken es ist gesund nur Früchte zu essen? Selbst Veganer sind nicht so…
I could easily give up everything from pork, for half a year no Red Beet food is also no problem. The potato, however, would become a problem, I will need a kilo of potatoes for myself per week
Too archaic and salmonella-prone.
Just like Tiramisu, leave it for me.
No, I have to say:) That’s up to me.
Can practice together..after.. I’m eating Tiramisu out of the dust.
I should be harder to negotiate, you’re right.
Wooooow that was a fast trial. Roof on 50 50
🤔😒 :
😳😳 but… my Tiramisu… the Salmonella. Maybe we can share.
All you called. I rarely eat pork, not smoked.
I’ve never liked Red Bete and Sauerkraut will be fresh again in autumn. Until it’s ripe, it’s December.
The potatoes would be the only one I would ever miss.
Icebone and Mett not only for half a year
All that’s in your list. I don’t like ice cream, but Kassler doesn’t like it, Sauerkraut should be healthy, but (without sugar) is too sour for me. I barely know heifers. (For us in Northern Germany it is not eaten, even ice-legged, I don’t know Kassler at all.) I really only taste Mett and Königsberger Klopse from your dishes (which I have eaten for several years, perhaps decades no more and Thüringer Mett also very, very long no more, Beefhack, fried maybe a year ago.
You have no prejudices?
Potatoes also taste me. But I could do without them. (There are about 100 to 130 g each week twice)
no, but the classics from Germany have searched me
Red prayers taste me, but I don’t get them. That’s why it’s easy for me to waive it. I wouldn’t like to miss potatoes. All the other dishes listed taste very good, but half a year I could give up. I make Königsberger Klopse one or two times a year anyway, and instead of glacial bone there are other good pork varieties. Sauerkraut I eat only in the winter half year. I make about 10 kg in autumn, and in spring everything is done.
On everything except potatoes, mostly for ever. Only sour wort with Kasseler I would have been on time.
Potatoes are just too good, as roast potatoes, dough, frit, wedges, chips… and if I have a great deal of patience “Schiiv inne Pan”, self-made chips according to a recipe of my original aroma
The choice is easy for me, because I don’t eat Red Bete, so I like longer than half a year. And potatoes can easily be replaced by something else.
Could only dispense with keleton never eaten but not especially good
From Mett I’m not a special fan, just as little from Sauerkraut.
On animal products – but for my feeling nix has to do with my nationality!
Ethics and compassion are not related to only one location…
Actually on everything except on potatoes and sour wort.
I could never stand Red Bete – no matter how they are prepared.
On everything except Red Bete, Potatoes and Sauerkraut. I’ll do it.
that I eat quite rarely
All you’ve been counting on. German cuisine is so diverse.
It’s about everything.
On all the list a lifetime.
Red bee is very healthy.
Red rhones are as edible as sufgequirlte shhlammerde from the seabed.
With that you can hunt me
You have to set priorities.
I must die five days earlier. It’s worth it.
It has many antioxidants
A stilt 1 times a year, it doesn’t have to.
Red rhones are unfit.
Peanuts, crumbs for good and tasty
Sauerkraut always goes.
Mett, okay, but prefer hackers.
The little meat dumplings from Königsberg… I don’t know, sounds okay.
G’schelchter ham fits excellent with sour wort.
Sauerbread. Hmm. prefer beef pod with beetle beans and core oil.
I don’t like
+ Icebone + Sauerbrae
Never eat.
does not like the
All of it
on all that.
although… Sauerkraut with Bratwurst and potato puree is delicious
It’s not my thing.
also not with ketchup?
Okay, NOW, it’s getting gross. Who’s going to hit Ketchup??
I’m sour roast, especially too expensive, so it’s not my thing. Tasteful but also sone thing, horse is so intense.
Ketchup makes almost everything unfit.
kh but with ketchup you can bear a lot that doesn’t taste so good
I have to puke… Sauerbread is just as bad.
That’s disgusting with all that fat. It’s better than Haxe. :
I like jopp haxe
Everything with meat…
The meat tastes itself up to the chubby drum