Auf was achten bei Motorrad gebrauchtkauf?
Ich würde mir gerne mein erstes Motorrad kaufen, habe aber leider keine wirkliche Ahnung von Motorrädern und habe auch aktuell niemanden, der mich dabei unterstützen könnte.
Auf welche Dinge soll man beim Gebrauchtkauf besonders achten? Ich würde bevorzugt bei einem Händler kaufen, nicht bei einer Privatperson.
Im Auge habe ich aktuell eine Kawa Er-6n von 2016 mit 7000km. Diese würde aber knapp 5000€ kosten. Ist das noch in Ordnung bzw. wieviel kann man noch mit Händlern verhandeln?
For a motorcycle lady, the bike would fit from the dimensions and weight if you have some average size.
It has enough steam under the bench and does not yet belong to the overgrown parts. The price would still be fine for a relatively new and, above all, little driven model; bought by a dealer okay, from private still negotiable.
If you understand little of it, best from the dealer and caressed, also because of the guarantee you don’t usually have from private.
Make a test drive! I assume that the part is still throttled, because as a novizin on two wheels you can’t drive it open.
There are relevant tutorials for viewing used motorcycles, not least from the specialist press.
But why do you want to leave five mills for a five-year-old entry-level grotto?
And another motorcycle that the previous owner does not even finish in all this time retracted has. What kind of person gets a new bike and doesn’t drive with it? Why is he doing this? There are few possibilities. A girlfriend/woman who basically didn’t have a bock on motorcyclists, or something like a pensioner or depressive midlife-crisis victim, who then could no longer be so healthily or mentally. If you have to have such a mopped from someone like that, I’m wondering.
You should buy something like this with 30 to 50 mm or even higher running performance from private for a maximum of half. It will fall winter, prices fall, pressure rises. And you’ll repel the part in two, three years and buy something bigger if you haven’t destroyed it before.
Doesn’t matter if there are more scratches on it than on this almost undriven part of the dealer. Be assured you will definitely add more.
If even no idea + no companion with a clue then definitely to the dealer.
Standard factors we fresh TÜV, service booklet, liquids fresh, maintenance carried out, wear parts such as tires or brakes ok, etc. should be there the rule.
Check whether the bike also fits your own body – if necessary agree with dealers an adjustment (pushing, depths, etc.) to make test drive.
I think the insurance contributions should fit and a suitable screwdriver should also be nearby if something is.