Auf Vinted Fehlkauf?

Ich habe auf vinted das Erste mal was bestellt, leider war dies ein Fehlkauf. Ich hab das Paket noch nicht von der Abholstation abgeholt. Könnte ich das Paket für 10Tage dort lassen, sodass das Paket wieder zu der Verkäuferin gelangt? Oder soll ich ein Problem bei Vinted melden und dann noch mal Versand zu der kaufen?

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10 months ago

Could I leave the package for 10 days there so that the package will return to the seller?

Sure, who should stop you?

But what do you promise?

Then the seller has money and Goods and you stand with empty hands because it is not obliged to repay due to the continuing purchase agreement.

But please, is yes Your Decision.

10 months ago

You can do it. The seller can store the package for a fee until you pick it up.

You have a valid purchase contract and you can’t just withdraw from it.

10 months ago
Reply to  Angela680

It’s good for you. Get the package off and if it’s really not original, then you go to the lawyer. The seller owes you the original.

10 months ago

Or should I report a problem to Vinted

You ordered something wrong, and now you want to induce the seller that he delivered something wrong?

This is a great idea….

10 months ago
Reply to  Angela680

How do you know if you don’t have the package yet?

Either it’s just a guess or it was offered as a fake. Something does not fit in history