Auf vinted abgezogen?

Moin Leute, ich habe neulich eine Jacke auf Vinted verkauft und nun stellt sich heraus das der Käufer ein Betrüger ist, er meint da wäre wohl nichts im Paket drinnen und ich sei der Betrüger.

Im französischen text der mit KI geschrieben wurde, meinte er das, dass Paket leer wäre, auf professioneller weise versucht der hier Leute abzuziehen.

Wenn hier irgendwer weiß wie ich hier noch rauskommen kann ohne das ich zumindest mein Geld verliere oder etwas, bitte lasst es mich doch wissen!

Vielen Dank im Vorraus

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1 month ago


You arms!

It happened to me. Only that the buyer, with similar texts, accused me that the goods were fake. Original invoice and order handed in, QR code in the jacket – everything has helped nothing! And the best thing: the guy in Italy can keep the jacket and get his money back!

Ever since they opened your store for France and Italy, the whole thing goes down, somehow. I’m just thinking about not selling anything anymore. As an alternative, classified ads or Vestitaire, the product goes first to an independent inspection post.

Greeting Jan

1 month ago
Reply to  jotpunkt01

Oh and before you enter the vinted “help”: forget it! The whole place is holding together. The specialists are remote across Europe, so you can think how they cover each other.

3 months ago

In any case, report the case to Vinted. At the same time, the French police are advocating fraud….

I can’t give you a guarantee. that means! If you don’t do anything, you’ll never see your money again.

3 months ago

Report, block and finish. These people just want to intimidate because they speculate that they send them back the money and they have both. In such cases, the buyer is always in the duty of proof and he will not be able to prove that he has not hidden the content somewhere.

3 months ago
Reply to  Privat7338

You can see that the money has not landed with the seller. Blocking would be the worst thing she can do. Then there is no more money

3 months ago

Then you’d be as bad as the person on the picture 😅… you should still secure yourself.

3 months ago

That’s why always picture or video what testifies you packed the goods.