Banned on Twitter without writing anything?
How is that possible? I've had the account for half an hour, and it supposedly detected suspicious activity, even though I haven't written anything or visited any suspicious sites.
How is that possible? I've had the account for half an hour, and it supposedly detected suspicious activity, even though I haven't written anything or visited any suspicious sites.
I get this notification every month, but I don't know where to withdraw the money. Can anyone help me? I've already searched everywhere, but haven't had much success.
Ich merke manchmal auf YouTube, dass sich die Funktionen plötzlich ändern. Also z.B. die Kommentare, die Likes etc. heute habe ich germekt, dass wenn man ein Video anklickt und dann es anhören will und es klein macht (also um weiter scrollen zu können) das plötzlich nicht mehr funktioniert. Kann man das irgendwie zurückändern und die…
Hey, you sweeties. You can now create a channel on WhatsApp. I was wondering if my contacts will get a notification when I create one. Thanks in advance 🙂
Hello, good evening I have a problem. I just opened an account with Sparkasse, and now I have two apps on my phone: the regular app and the PushTAN app. I wanted to log in with my login details or with my login name But the app wants you to set up a PIN but…
Ich habe mir letztens Youtube gedownloadet aber ich kriege keinen Feed? Hat jemand eine Idee wie man das fixt? Ich benutze ein iPhone falls ihr das als Info braucht
Hello, good evening, Can I transfer the rent tomorrow with an expired card (at the ATM)? I just noticed that it expired on December 23, 2023. But I went shopping on December 26, and everything was fine. Or do I have to go to my savings bank, where I can at least transfer the rent?…
Automated system, which somehow classified you as a bot or the like.
Thanks for the answer!
I guess the suspected activities are a lot of robot tests. You’ll be wrongly classified as Robert.
Thanks for the answer! However, the tests were only after blocking
Sure. Oh, I don’t know…
They’re Re-Captchas who’re checking if you’re human. Are security standards against hacking.
Did you have the same sender name for the different email addresses? Because then they recognize it