Do different ears hear differently?
Is it normal to hear differently in different ears?
Is it normal to hear differently in different ears?
I've had a lump like this for at least three years. What is it? It doesn't hurt. And it's easy to move, so it's soft. Please write real things, please. I'm serious. If you have any questions, ask! W15
I haven't found any on the Internet yet
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Hi everyone, I've had a cough in my throat for several days, and when I cough, a slightly green mucus comes out of my throat. Can someone please tell me how to get rid of this cough, and also tell me if it's dangerous. Thanks
I don’t know the statistics, but I don’t think anyone on both ears is always listening equally well. That’s why it is, I think, normal that the hearing performance is different or can be. For example, it’s 60/40. Not exactly intoxicating.
Probably as with the eyes
Yes, the difference determines the brain from which direction the noise comes from.
no, the sound direction determines it from a phase shift. Therefore, for example, sine sounds are so difficult to locate in space.
normal in the sense of should be so: no
normal in the sense of is so in many people: yes
No two people are the same, and no two organs/sinne are the same.
Totally normal.
Yes, that can happen to anyone when the ears are contaminated by ears, a one-sided hearing fall is present or there is one-sided inflammation.
Since you otherwise have zero symptoms, I type on ears what lies in front of the eardrum and badly emerges. An HNO can easily remove this in five minutes by flushing out or suction.
I hope I could help you with my answer. Best regards, Your Author’s Heart metabol☤