Auf Laie oder Arzt hören?
Ein Laie meint bei chronischen Schmerzen Körper völlig schonen, bloss kein Sport machen, wenn überhaupt nur leicht bewegen.
Der Arzt meint Sport gerade bei chronischen Schmerzen ist durchaus sinnvoll, solange ich es nicht übertreibe. Und immer regelmässig dehnen.
Denn durch muskelabbau wird der Schmerz auch nicht weniger.
Auch soll ich zu einem Physiotherapeuten.
Wer hat recht? Der Laie oder Arzt?
Glaubt der Laie durch totale Schonung werden die Schmerzen magisch weggehen?
Of course the doctor. He’s not doing a 6-year training for nothing.
If you’re unsure, you can get a second opinion with another doctor.
after 100 million more similar questions you ask, finally listen to yourself what to say…you’re just too lazy to make sport, so you’re hurt and they won’t get better through self-denial….
Here one said I can only do physiotherapy
Sure, everyone here knows better than a doctor, stop! each of your themes is the same, you are looking for confirmation where there should be none and find them….
But the people here give the confirmation
On the one hand, someone of the six years studied and then made his doctor… On the other any Hans-wurst without a clue xD
Who would you believe?
The doctor, of course.
I don’t understand why she person thinks that you can just cure back pain.
Because the musculature becomes weaker and weaker it doesn’t make better.
From experience I can tell you: the doctor is right
The layman argued in chronic pain is a sign of illness, and this is to be cured.
But chronic pain does not work or
Well, but chronic is chronic because it cannot be cured?
In normal acute pain, depending on the cause, I would still be right to him: an inflammation must first heal; otherwise, movement can still “be shy”
But in chronic pain does not use anything (more) so it is all the more important to get at least the muscles etc.
Rehasport is only funded if you are severely restricted.
You’re just too scared to move. I mean, a lying support zb is not very complicated.
Eben – so remain physiotherapy and rehabilitation! Both medically prescribed and with „Personal Trainer“ at the expense of the health insurance
Well, and do you think I got the money for a personal trainer? What are you doing? It can’t always be someone.
– Nothing!
The problem is just that it should accompany someone who controls it! Take as bsp times the love support: this is something where you can quickly train a hollow cross if they are not executed cleanly
What does Calisthenics say?
I haven’t even written that in my approach!
Then I should give up and accept that I will never have a beautiful fit body or what?
Aha, and you know that the therapist can’t always be there?
Yes, already – but I think it is very important for pain and sports to carry out the exercises properly and for that it needs professional guidance in my eyes!
I fall into the hollow cross in many exercises very quickly without which I notice it myself, or on the treadmill itself in go I run forwardly bended.., so stop… there is for me that a therapist here is the one that then corrected directly
You think I can’t do sports outside?
I would do this more with the help of physiotherapy and targeted exercises for the particular disease picture!
Then also more rehasport than water gymnastics — especially at back
Yes, and there are singing like yoga, pilates, and calisthenics good. Because they don’t load the back too much, but still strengthen the back.
The doctor’s right, the laie doesn’t know.