Auf gras allergisch?
Habe es bestimmt 20 mal geraucht und die Hälfte davon badtrips. Ich übertreibe nicht mal mit dem Konsum, manchmal 5 mal ziehen und ich liege knock out mit kotze am Boden. Ich meine, dass mein Körper null darauf klar kommt und ich mich gedanklich vom Leben schonmal verabschiedet habe, klar stirbt man nicht von gras doch spüre ich wie mein Körper einfach schlapp macht. Fieber mit 39 grad habe ich auch schon davon bekommen ehrlich das ist kein Spaß.
You certainly didn’t get a fever from the ciff. Correlation is not causal
If a drug is more unpleasant or more intense than anyone, then one speaks of Overdose. Every time you didn’t do it, you’ve exaggerated. That’s so simple.
If you don’t want to leave it, be more careful in the future. Just pull and wait for the effects to be set. It can take up to half an hour until they reach their maximum intensity after drawing.
General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
Okay, thanks a lot, I think I’ll let this stay the first time.
Please, please. Sounds reasonable!
A friend of mine can’t smoke any grass. He must have tried it 10 times, and every time he had to vomit. Some bodies do not carry it well, can also be he reacted so irritated because of the tobacco/smoking. A vaporizer would be helpful and maybe a solution.
Why you often have bath trips can have many reasons. Bad psyche, you worry too much, maybe even a psychosis.
Had a bath trip for 2 1/2 years. It was only for the days. I felt bad and was badly laughed/ felt uncomfortable. That’s why I came to a bad trip, and it was a big bonghead.
Smoke only if you feel comfortable with people, listen to some music and enjoy the sun outside or otherwise where with really good friends. These were always my most beautiful events!
If it doesn’t help, you’ll have to let it stay bad or bad.
Let it be easy xD
The body is not intended to be completely envy by any plant. Even if it is not fatal, there are negative effects.
Yes, it would be most reasonable