Auf der Suche nach einem Rezept (Becken)?
Guten Abend,
mal eine Frage ich war vor kurzem mal bei einem Palästinenser Essen und der hat sogenannte ,,Becken” verkauft. Kurz beschrieben war das eine Art Pizza die zur Hälfte zugeklappt war und mit würzigem Käse gefüllt war,unglaublich Lecker. Ich würde das total gerne mal nachmachen,jedoch gibt es das Rezept für Becken nicht , wisst ihr wie das heißen könnte und wo ich das Rezept finde?
Good evening.
That sounds like a wonderful culinary experience you had! What you describe reminds you very much of **‘Fatayer’**, a popular specialty from the levant cuisine, which is often half-moon-shaped and offered with various fillings such as spinach, meat or spicy cheese.
A good starting point for true recipes could be a cookbook about levant cuisine or a trusted recipe website that specializes in Middle Eastern dishes. Also on YouTube there are many cooks that offer step-by-step instructions to such traditional dishes. Maybe you’ll find a variation of Fatayer that matches exactly what you enjoyed.
Here is a simple approach to start the preparation:
1. Prepare a simple pizza dough or a special dough for Fatayer.
Two. For filling, you can use grated cheese of your choice (a spicy cheese such as feta or hiumi is excellent) and mix it with a little onion, parsley or other herbs.
3. Roll the dough, cut into smaller circles, add the cheese mixture and fold to half moons or triangles.
4. Close the edges well and bake in the oven until they are golden brown.
A lot of success in recooking and a wonderful moment of enjoyment!