Auf der homepage schneller einen Termin bekommen als bei der Arzthelferin am Telefon?

Hallo ich hätte eine frage wollte heute einen op Beratungstermin machen und habe beim Arzt angerufen. Die Arzthelferin meinte erst in einen Monat is wieder was frei. Habe auf die website geschaut da war was frei für überübermorgen fühl mich i wie verarscht hab dann den termin im Internet genommen

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1 year ago

This can have many reasons. is the online date even an OP consultancy date? In addition, before the surgery, you need a conversation with the anesthetist or not? So maybe you have to come back extra or don’t get to it first. Or it might have canceled for a short time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Yasemin0207

You probably get an anesthesia, right? Have you been with the anesthetist? If you don’t, you’ll have to go. Maybe she wanted to give you the date so that you had both conversations at once, which is of course useful. Of course, there’s a lot of strange things for outsiders, but idR has his reasons.

1 year ago

So the surgeon also takes care of the anesthesia? Are you sure?

Yes, most of the games can and do not want to understand their sequence and their organization…

Why don’t you just ask for the reasons at the appointment instead of judging in advance.

1 year ago

I also prefer the online appointment assignment when it is offered. With many doctors you simply don’t get through by phone, and if they try to wipe or comfort you.

1 year ago

Such appointments are often provided only for existing patients. So it’s possible that you’ll show up and be rejected.